Health Tips

Heart Health 101: The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Exercise and heart health are deeply connected.

Experts say sitting less and moving more is the key to a healthier heart. Several pieces of research and studies have proved that exercising regularly can have a major impact on our physical, emotional, and mental health. Regular movement is particularly vital for cardiovascular health. 

It is now known that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease.

Physical activity for heart health – Research

Research revealed that people who engaged in moderate-to-vigorous exercise, marked more steps, and led a less sedentary life showed better heart health. These results were consistent regardless of the person’s age, sex, weight, or prior health risks.

Another research found that simple exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing are most effective in boosting heart health.

Benefits of physical exercise for heart health

1. Helps control your body weight

Several studies have linked obesity with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity can cause a spike in bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This could increase the risk of heart disease. 

Further, obesity can raise the risk of a rapid irregular heartbeat. This can lead to stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. In addition to that, obesity is also a major risk for diabetes. Research proves that individuals with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease.

2. It lowers your blood pressure

Regular exercise plays a vital role in lowering your blood pressure levels. It helps manage your weight, strengthen your heart, and lower your stress level. Researchers also revealed that healthy blood pressure helps in lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to experts, splitting up your workout into sessions throughout the day is found very effective. A study found that 10-minute walks, three times a day are more effective than a 30-minute trek per day.

3. Physical exercise strengthens your heart muscles

Exercise is a proven tool for strengthening your heart muscles. It helps keep your weight under control and wards off artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. All of which contribute to a higher risk of heart disease.

Experts suggest aerobic exercises or resistance training are the best for heart health. Furthermore, research also suggests that performing yoga exercises improves flexibility and motion which too can contribute to improved heart health.

4. Exercise slows the development of diabetes

There is enough evidence suggesting that exercise can help manage prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise can help lower blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity throughout the body. Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Research further states that strength training combined with aerobic exercises like walking or swimming can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 50%. Exercise helps your muscles process glycogen and keeps excessive blood sugars under control.

5. Exercise is the best stress buster

Studies reveal that stress increases the incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Another study revealed that work-related stress can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 40 percent. 

Repeated and persistent stress can result in inflammation which can harden the arteries and restrict the blood flow. Thus, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Studies showed that exercise is one of the best natural stress busters. Exercising in any form helps in releasing endorphins in your brain which calms you down and releases your stress.

6. Exercise can help reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to the growth of plaques, loosening plaque in the arteries, and triggering blood clots. These are the primary causes of heart attacks and strokes. Inflammation is also linked to a number of life-threatening diseases including diabetes and cancer. 

Research says that just 20 minutes of exercise every day is enough to reduce inflammation. It helps combat stress, improves circulation, promotes sleep, leads to better lifestyle choices, and maintains a healthy heart.

How Often Should you exercise for a healthy heart?

Experts suggest any form of moderate exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes a day can help in maintaining a healthy heart. An ideal workout routine should begin with a warm-up session. This increases your breathing, improves circulation, and regulates body temperature. It also helps improve flexibility, reduces muscle soreness, and prepares your body for the session.

The warm-up session should be followed up with cardio, aerobic, or strength training exercises. This helps improve your breathing further and promotes the burning of calories. Once the workout is done, practicing some cooling down movements or stretching allows your body to recover. Your heart rate and blood pressure will return to normal.

Don’t overdo your physical exercise

While correct exercises unlock a bundle of benefits for your body, overdoing it can result in just the opposite. There are several instances of over-exercising resulting in sudden collapses. That’s why it’s important not to overdo it!

  • If you are a beginner then take it slow and gradually increase the time or intensity of your workout.
  • Never begin your workout just after having your meal. Wait for at least an hour.
  • Never work out when you are physically or mentally stressed.
  • Always begin with your warm-up session and end your workout with a cool-down session.
  • Take care of your hydration.

Exercise Precautions for your Heart 

While exercising here are key points that you must keep in mind.

  • Stop exercising if you are running out of breath or feeling overly fatigued.
  • Don’t rush when your body is sick. Give your body the time and energy it needs to heal and then you can resume your workout.
  • If you develop a rapid or irregular heartbeat then stop the exercise and check your pulse.
  • In case you are starting out on a new program then it is always best to do it under an expert’s supervision.
  • If you experience pain in the chest, stop the activity immediately and call your doctor.

Your takeaway!

Ayurveda has always said that physical exercise is one of the most powerful healers of your body. It can reverse diseases and cure conditions. Right exercises combined with a healthy diet and a proper sleep regime can be the cure to most modern diseases!

Also Read:

Virgin Coconut Oil and Heart Health

Eggs and Heart Health

Simple Diet Plan to Reverse Heart Diseases

How anger affect your heart?

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Amrut July 8, 2022 at 4:02 am

many thanks for this article 🙂

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