9 ways to quit sugar
SUGARWeight Management

 How I Helped Rajashree Lose 15 Kilos By Quitting Sugar

I get asked daily – “Dr. Nayak, what’s your number one recommendation for losing weight?” My advice is simple but difficult for most to follow – quit added sugars completely. This includes table sugar, brown sugar, jaggery, honey, and anything else containing concentrated sweeteners. In this blog, I’ll share a case study of how quitting sugar helped one of my patients, Rajashree, lose 15 kilos over 6 months while eating regular home-cooked meals.

 Why You Should Quit Sugar

Before jumping into rajashree’s story, let me quickly summarize why added sugar is so detrimental to weight loss efforts.

 Sugar Causes Fat Storage

  •  When you eat foods high in sugar, your blood sugar spikes leading to high insulin levels
  •  Insulin triggers your body to store calories as visceral fat instead of burning them for energy
  •  Over time, this causes weight gain and expands waistlines

Sugar is Addictive

  • Studies show sugar stimulates the reward centers in the brain similar to addictive drugs
  •  Going cold turkey on sugar causes withdrawal symptoms like cravings, irritability, fatigue
  •  Making it difficult for people to cut out sweets from their diet

Sugar Has No Nutrition

  • Table sugar and even natural sweeteners provide zero nutritional value
  •  They deliver empty calories that don’t fill you up or provide anything beneficial
  •  Wasting precious daily calories on sugar instead of nutritious whole foods

As you can see, added dietary sugars wreak havoc on our bodies and our ability to lose weight. Now let’s see how quitting sugar transformed Rajashree’s health.

 Introducing Rajashree – A Working Mom Struggling with Weight Loss

Rajashree first came to see me as a new patient overweight and struggling to lose belly fat after her second pregnancy. Here are some key details about her background.

  •  38-year-old working mom with a toddler and preteen
  •  History of yo-yo dieting with temporary bouts of weight loss followed by rebound weight gain
  •  Family history of type 2 diabetes which worried Rajashree
  •  Skeletal frame on the shorter side at 5’2”
  •  Post-pregnancy weight of 75 kgs with a BMI of 29.3 (overweight)
  •  Excess weight concentrated in the belly, hips, and thighs
  •  Energy levels and productivity are often low due to poor sleep

As a busy working mom, Rajashree felt frustrated that she couldn’t lose the stubborn pregnancy weight through calorie counting and long aerobic workouts alone. As most mothers can relate to, she hardly had enough time to exercise amidst work and parenting responsibilities.

Upon my initial consultation with Rajashree, two major red flags stood out.

 Consuming 300+ Grams of Sugar Per Week

While she avoided soda, Rajashree was still consuming copious amounts of added sugar every day

3 cups of chai made with sugar instead of plain tea
2-4 cheap biscuits like Parle-G as evening snacks
2 gulab jamun after dinner as her daily “cheat” treat
Occasional slices of cake brought by colleagues to the office  

This added up to roughly 300 grams of added sugar per week – far exceeding the 25-gram daily limit I advise my patients.

Persistent Belly Fat and Fatty Liver

Despite near-constant dieting over the past decade, Rajashree’s extra pounds always went straight to her belly. Excess visceral fat puts one at higher risk for every obesity-related disease including diabetes. My clinical suspicion was confirmed after reviewing Rajashree’s latest blood work which showed elevated liver enzyme levels.

After evaluating Rajashree’s lifestyle, nutrition, and health data my diagnosis was clear – her excess added sugar intake was the major obstacle sabotaging her weight loss efforts and metabolic health.

Now that we identified the root cause, I created a personalized lifestyle plan for Rajashree focused on quitting added sugar while improving sleep and stress management through yoga Nidra. Let’s see how my sugar-free prescription transformed Rajashree’s health and weight over the following 6 months.

 Rajashree’s 6-Month Journey After Quitting Sugar  

Rajashree committed herself 100% to my sugar-free prescription the day we met. While difficult at first, she stuck through the tough first weeks. Here is a timeline showing her progress after removing added sugar from her diet.

Month 1: First 5 Kilos Lost + Better Sleep

  •  Withdrawal symptoms like low energy, cravings, and mood swings lasted 7-10 days
  •  Started dropping weight immediately at a rate of 1 kilo per week
  •  Lost a total of 5 kilos in the first month alone through diet change
  •  Started sleeping deeper and waking up more refreshed without sugar crashes  

 Month 2: Cravings Subside + Menstrual Relief

 Sugar cravings and energy levels stabilized allowing Rajashree to feel in control of her eating habits
 Anxiety and emotional overeating decreased without blood sugar rollercoasters
Period symptoms like bloating, acne, and heavy flow improved dramatically
Lost an additional 3 kilos bringing total weight loss to 8 kilos so far

 Month 3: Fat Loss Accelerates + Better Body Composition

  •  After powering through the first 8 weeks, Rajashree hit her stride losing weight faster than ever before
  •  Belly fat burning accelerated thanks to balanced blood sugar levels 24/7
  •  Lost 5 kilos in Month 3 increasing total weight loss to 13 kilos
  • Body composition showed a major increase in muscle mass and a drop in body fat %

 Months 4-6: Last Few Pounds Lost + Maintenance

  •  In the last 3 months, weight loss tapered off as Rajashree approached a healthy set point
  •  Monthly loss averaged around 1 kilo per month
  •  Hit goal weight after losing a total of 15 kilos over 6 months!
  •  Having conquered sugar addiction, Rajashree felt confident she could maintain her progress

As you can see from Rajashree’s results, quitting added dietary sugar kickstarted consistent weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. Without extreme dieting or overexercising. What’s possible when you cut out empty sugar calories and follow a sensible lifestyle routine?

Now let’s see how this transformation positively impacted all aspects of Rajashree’s health and quality of life…

 The Mental and Physical Benefits of Quitting Sugar  

Removing added sugar brought both obvious and unexpected wellness benefits beyond just remarkable fat loss for Rajashree including:

 Reversed Prediabetes and Fatty Liver

 Fasting blood glucose dropped from the prediabetic 100 mg/dL range down to a healthy 85 mg/dL
 Liver enzymes normalized indicating reversal of fatty liver disease
 Greatly reduced future risk of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes and NAFLD

Regulated Menstrual Cycle and hormones  

  •  After years of fluctuating between very heavy, painful periods and no period at all, Rajashree  finally regained a normal monthly cycle
  •  PMS symptoms like acne breakouts, bloating, and headaches alleviated
  •  Hormonal acne on the cheeks disappeared after the reduction of androgen spikes from sugar

Better Moods and Productivity  

  •  Anxiety and daily emotional rollercoasters leveled out
  •  Mental clarity and focus improved now that energy levels remained steady
  •  Able to get more high-quality work done and be more present with family

 Confidence and Body Image  

  •  For the first time in years, Rajashree felt comfortable wearing dresses and skinny jeans she had saved
  •  No more avoiding cameras or mirrors because of embarrassment about weight
  •  Sense of pride and confidence from succeeding at a difficult lifestyle change

As you can see, Rajashree reclaimed control over not just her weight but her health and well-being as a whole after cutting added dietary sugars. Now a year later, she remains 15 kilos lighter and no longer fears type 2 diabetes or other obesity-related illnesses.

Let’s wrap up with my final tips for succeeding in your sugar-free weight loss journey.

 9 Tips To Quit Sugar and Lose Weight

If rajashree’s success story has inspired you to cut added sugar to lose your stubborn weight, here are my top 10 tips

1. Go Cold Turkey  

I advise going completely cold turkey on table sugar, sodas, syrups, and artificial sweeteners. Moderation does not work for sugar addicts.

 2. Satisfy Cravings With Fruit

When the inevitable sweet craving hits in the first week, eat fresh fruits like bananas, mangoes, and berries to satisfy it.

 3. Stock Up On Low Glycemic Snacks

Keep plenty of nuts, seeds, roasted chickpeas, and fiber-rich crackers on hand for emergency craving crushing.

 4. Avoid Sugar Substitutes

Stevia, maple syrup, and other “natural” sweeteners can still trigger weight gain and cravings.

 5. Check Labels For Hidden Sugars

Read nutrition labels carefully and avoid any packaged foods with sugar in the first 3 ingredients.

 6. Limit High Glycemic Carbs

Reduce rice, potatoes, white bread, and other carbs that spike blood sugar in addition to sweets.

7. Drink Water With Lemon

Sip on lemon water between meals to flush out toxins and tame sweet cravings.

8. Follow A Consistent Eating Schedule

Eat 3 square, protein-fiber-rich meals plus 2 small snacks daily to stabilize blood sugar.

 9. Manage Stress with Exercise and Sleep

Lower cortisol and insulin resistance by building cardio, strength training, and 7-9 hours of nightly sleep into your routine.


I hope Rajashree’s raw and real sugar-free weight loss success story gave you inspiration and a practical roadmap. While difficult at first, removing added sugars greatly accelerates fat burning while boosting overall mental and physical health. Take advantage of my two-decade-plus experience helping thousands free themselves from sugar addiction and Related illnesses if you need extra support. This lifestyle change is hard but “you can do it!”

Write to me in the comments about your biggest takeaway from today’s blog and what first step you will take to quit sugar for good!

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Sanjeev December 20, 2023 at 3:03 pm

Sir, can we have Green tea without sugar ir jaggery in morning instead of tea or coffe. Will it help

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 24, 2024 at 7:53 am


Srinivas Raitha December 25, 2023 at 4:30 pm

A great case study of Ms. Rajashree. You have been given a complete regime of weight loss without any side effects.
Thank you so much sir. I strictly follow your advice. Now I am 70 kg of body weight!

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 24, 2024 at 7:53 am

thank you


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