How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Happy and Healthy Life?ayurvedic doctor explains
Positive Psychology

How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Happy and Healthy Life

Do you believe in the saying that everyone is born with a purpose?  Well, it’s true! Research shows that having a purpose is essential to your well-being. Living a purposeful life is associated with your health, happiness, longevity, and economic success. When you work towards a certain purpose, you are more likely to stay focused on your long-term goals. It helps you stay motivated and inspires you to lead a healthy life. In this blog, I will be talking about how to find your purpose and live a happy and healthy life!

Have you ever wondered why old age affects mental health so much? Research reveals that this is because most people lack a sense of purpose as they age. Further their social circle cramps as they age. These are the primary reasons for mental health issues among aged people. But today mental and physical health issues that were once associated with old age are grappling young souls in their 20s and 30s. One explainable reason for this is the lack of purpose with which the youth is walking into their future.

Today, most people chase a career that can offer them a handsome salary and security. But is that enough to live a happy life? Money is important but it is not a parameter to judge happiness. It is rather leading a purposeful life that leads to good health and happiness!

Also Read: Sushruta rightly said happiness is the secret to good health

How to find your purpose and live a happy and healthy life

Create a vision board

Some of the most influential leaders of the world have agreed that creating a vision board is the first step to transforming dreams into reality. A vision board basically works on the principles of the law of attraction.  Whatever it is that you aspire to, write it on your vision board and stick it on your wall. You can paste pictures, quotes, and postcards that best represent your dreams.

Explore your interests

The best way to find your purpose in life is to explore your area of interest. According to research, every individual has a unique trait, a special ability, and it is upon us to unearth those special powers and find our purpose. The best way to explore your interests is to offer your services for free!

Travel more and travel far

Travelling opens the doors that you never knew existed! When you travel you step out of your comfort zone, you experience new things, embrace new cultures and you become a part of a world that’s quite different than what you ever imagined. Your mind opens up to a world of possibilities. It helps break many social barriers and broadens your perception of life. That’s why the wise always said, to travel is to live!

Embark on a solo trip once a year

The journey of self-discovery is often a lonely road. Traveling through the unknown lanes with none but yourself helps you reflect on your journey, uncover your hidden traits, fight through adversities and discover your true purpose. Traveling alone gives you the time and space to think about the elements that truly matters. 

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

We live in a world where life changes at a drastic pace. We can’t build a future with principles of the past. What was true yesterday, may be obsolete tomorrow. So, being open to learning, unlearning, and relearning is one way to discover your true purpose. 

Pursue your passions

Your purpose can be very closely tied to your passion, whether it is creating art, giving service, inspiring people or achieving big feats. Never quit doing things that make you truly happy. Even if your mind is tied to a 9-5 job, spare some time to do things that really matter to you!

Surround yourself with positive minds

Research reveals the importance of having a healthy social life. Studies further say that happiness and positivity are contagious. Thus, surrounding yourself with happy, positive, and motivated minds will help you stay positive. Having a strong social anchor further helps in lowering your stress, reduces your risks of depression, improves your wellness, and enhances your life expectancy.

Also Read: 13 Tips to train your brain to be happy

Your takeaway!

Most people we meet today are living a life that’s stuck in a job that they dread. Because they don’t find the job interesting, it takes them longer to accomplish even the simplest tasks. This stresses them out and deeply impacts their mental and physical health. When a person knows their purpose in life, it motivates them to overcome the hurdles, fight back the adversities and move with a force towards their destination. Studies have proven that leading a purposeful life is one way to lead a happy and healthy life!

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Kashyap January 1, 2022 at 3:47 pm

Very good write up with a purpose. What is spoken out in words is very true.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 14, 2022 at 7:51 am

thank you sir

Amrut June 23, 2022 at 7:28 pm

Thank you.

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