How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger: Ayurvedic doctor’s big revelation
Beauty Tips

Youthful Skin Over 35: Simple Tips and Tricks for Women

Young, healthy and gorgeous skin is the dream of every woman who walks on the planet. This sheer desire is driving the million-dollar anti-ageing industry. I often get stumped with this question ‘How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger?

Looking younger than your age is no magic, it’s the art of self-care!

You can look young and radiant even after 35 without undergoing any of the expensive anti-ageing treatments. Until a few years ago, many believed the only key to looking young is cosmetic surgery. 

But with celebrities and influencers coming up with their natural anti-ageing secrets, perceptions are changing. People are now embracing the idea of looking young naturally. They are opening up to ancient Ayurvedic ways of reversing age!

Here are a few natural tricks that work wonders in eliminating the folds of age from your face.

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How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger?

1. Shed fat from your face 

One of the biggest giveaways of your age is the fat around your neck. It makes your face look broad and saggy. Simple neck and face exercises can take away years. 

Here is one simple exercise you can do every day. Lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge. Lift your head towards the chest and repeat three sets of ten to fifteen lifts.

2. Keep a watch on your weight

The fats on your body add years to your age. Many women give up on their bodies once they hit motherhood. And this is a grave mistake. Taking good care of your body should be non-negotiable.

Join a yoga class or hit the gym to lose the pregnancy weight. Take out 30 minutes of your day for any kind of physical activity. Be it dancing, walking, yoga or workout. 

If you can rock a headstand then that’s a great anti-ageing pose. It increases blood flow to the face, improves your complexion and helps to remove wrinkle-inducing toxins.

Also Read: Beetroot juice for weight loss

3. Practice facial yoga

Yoga not only keeps your body toned; it also keeps your skin from ageing. Top celebrities from the West are endorsing yoga for its anti-ageing benefits. Facial yoga helps support the contours of your face. It delays wrinkles and fine lines. 

Place your fingers on the edge of your jaw. Gently, pull the skin towards your ears. This simple exercise disperses fat around the jaw. You can also massage your face with cream using the back of your hands. Massage the neck upwards and outwards with long strokes. 

Another facial exercise is to puff your cheeks and move the air from one to the other. Do it three or four times a day. Another exercise is to pout and gently blow the air out. The third simplest exercise is a wide smile.  

Also Read: Incredible ways yoga transforms your mind, body and spirit

4. Trust the power of a face pack

Natural face packs stimulate skin cells. Be it neem, aloe vera, turmeric, honey, yoghurt or any fruit pack, works well as an anti-ageing pack. Another amazing face pack that can erase your age is the ice pack.

Ice packs shrink fluid retention and reduce redness. Wrap ice in a muslin cloth and roll it all over the face. Do not apply the ice directly to your face. Papaya or cucumber packs also work great in rejuvenating your skin. 

Also Read: 5 natural fruit packs to pamper your skin

5. Trust the magic of Tea for your skin

Teabags are not only an excellent mood booster, but it is also great for your skin. Apply a tea bag soaked in cold water on the eyes to fight puffiness and fatigue. 

Teabags are also rich in antioxidants. It helps in tightening your skin and clearing your complexion. Dab the tea bag on your face and neck and let it stay for some time.

Also Read: Tea in skincare

6. Abhyanga can reverse your age

Self-massage or abhyanga is intensely detoxifying. It tightens your skin and nourishes the body’s deeper tissues. Self-massage replenishes the tissues and encourages blood circulation. 

Abhyanga improves immunity, enhances bone health and brings a glow to your skin. This daily destressing exercise helps in reversing the effects of ageing. It helps keep your skin tight and toned!

Read more on Abhyanga

7. Exfoliation with sugar and coffee

The best natural scrub to remove your dead cells is sugar and coffee. This simple hack aids in clearing the skin, fighting cellulite and reducing inflammation. Gently rubbing this scrub improves your blood circulation giving you youthful radiant skin. 

Scrubbing your body with coffee and sugar also reduces hyperpigmentation which is another common ageing issue. This natural scrub removes dirt and dead skin cells making you look young and fresh.

8. Drink water like a fish 

Dehydration wreaks havoc on your skin. It robs the lustre making your skin look dull, dry, itchy and scaly. So, make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water every day to replenish your body.

Water washes away the toxins and helps avoid acne. Drinking warm water is one of the simplest weight loss tricks. It also helps fight the onset of wrinkles and fine lines and improves your skin tone.

9. An amla a day keeps your age a secret

Amla is a storehouse of antioxidants that help in reducing the signs of premature ageing. It helps in clearing pigmentation and dark patches and restores your natural glow. The vitamins in amla boost the production of collagen, which improves skin elasticity. 

The easiest way of consuming amla is by juicing it. Take 20-30 ml of amla juice and dilute it in a glass of warm water. Add a dash of lemon and drink it in the morning for anti-ageing benefits. 

Also Read: The secret to look 20 something even in your late 30s.

10. Drink green tea and honey

Drink green tea daily and keep blueberries at your desk to nibble on. They provide a powerful dose of protective antioxidants and keep wrinkles at bay. Getting more honey in your diet is great for the face. It’s good at helping the skin absorb moisture.

Also Read: Lesser-known Facts about green tea

How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger – 9 Simple natural anti-ageing tips 

  • Drinking green tea with honey offers protective anti-oxidants.
  • Walnuts not only seals your memory from ageing but it also benefits your skin.
  • Eat a healthy diet, avoid oil and sugar and binge on your fruits and veggies.
  • Sleep is the secret to ever youth beauty.
  • Always wash your face before going to bed.
  • Swear by the sunscreen and moisturizer.
  • Try using ghee in your skincare regime.
  • Smoking and alcohol make you age soon. Stop it.
  • Shoo your stress away to keep your age away.

ALSO READ: Don’t eat late at night.

Takeaway – How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger?

Looking young even after 35 is a reality for many women. All it takes is the realization that you don’t need expensive treatments. Start taking care of yourself in your 20s and you will age like fine wine!

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Anju Singh December 11, 2020 at 6:40 am

Thanks Dr for letting us know so many tips . Facial excercise are very affective in toning your skin I have seen the changes since I started practicing it . There is no gain without pain.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 11, 2020 at 7:28 am


Anuradha Balsavar December 11, 2020 at 7:07 am

Very informative article. Thanks for the simple and precious tips.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 11, 2020 at 7:27 am


Vinutha December 11, 2020 at 11:36 am

Thank you Doctor for sharing such a good and useful information. 🙂🙏🏻

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 12, 2020 at 7:46 am

you are welcome

VeenaKannan December 16, 2020 at 8:06 am

Awesome tips Doctor thank you so much 🙂

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 16, 2020 at 2:34 pm

thank you madam

Dr.Ranjana+Nayak December 17, 2020 at 9:35 am

Useful information .

Sudha December 16, 2020 at 9:43 am

Useful information

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm

thank you

Sujata December 16, 2020 at 12:08 pm

Beautiful information

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm

thank you

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Very good informative articles. Love all the health and beauty tips.

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