ayurvedic treatment for acne
Ayurvedic MedicinesBeauty TipsSkin diseases

Clearing Acne Naturally: Ayurvedic Treatment for Clear and Glowing Skin

Acne is a filthy curse! It envelops your skin with painful zits. Burns your confidence. Hammers your self-esteem. Snatches your peace of mind. Listen up from an Ayurvedic doctor to discover effective Ayurvedic treatment for acne.

Even if the zits are small. Acne is no small problem.

The social awkwardness, embarrassment and unpleasant stares often push one behind the closed doors. It drags their souls through the dark tunnels of depression and hopelessness. 

An actress’s anecdote of acne

“The pain, fear and anxiety multiply manifold when your job demands a flawless beauty to be painted on the screen. When Vandana (name changed), a famous small screen actress visited me with her acne woes, I could fathom her plight.”

Vandana had been struggling with stubborn zits for 4 long years. Her inner peace was badly bruised. She could not sleep thinking about the blemishes that could ruin her career.

After her first break-out, she visited the city’s five-star hospital dermatologist. 

After examining her acne vulgaris, the doctor prescribed her topical applications and antibiotics. But her acne erupted again in a month’s time.

The second visit brought her more medicines from different brands.

The medicines could only subside her pain for a few days. Then her acne would resurge with vengeance. Doctors changed but her prescriptions remained the same. So was the result of her treatments.

The big myth

The beauty industry sells the mind-set that good skin comes from good products. 

The most-effective and natural skin-care regime are clouded by an air of myth. She kept on switching her products. Flushing all her hard-earned money on her zits. But nothing seemed to calm her burning skin.

The unmissable acne on her skin consumed her so much that her life turned as miserable as her zits!

Her story of pain

Vandana tried picking and squeezing her acne to get rid of them quickly, only to be left with a lot of scars.

For every shot, she tried hard to hide all evidence of her acne with foundation and concealer, filters and corrector.

The artificial products further clogged her pores and aggravated her condition.

Her cheeks, back, chest and shoulders were covered in a blanket of acne.

The real beauty of her face was almost buried by the scars and dots.

She could not wear sleeveless or deep necks, go make-up free or stop going out! It was a vicious cycle whirling her down!

Ayurvedic treatment for acne

One day her director recommended her to try Ayurveda for her acne and that brought her to my clinic.

I noted her detailed history. Asked her about the pattern of outbursts, lifestyle and food habits. After a clear brief, I advised her Ayurvedic medicines for internal and external usage.

I recommended Ayurvedic facial packs to lighten her scars. Explained lifestyle changes and dietary restrictions.

For the next few months, she followed my advice word by word. And soon, the frequency of her acne reduced. Her old scars also started to heal rapidly.

8 natural Ayurvedic treatment for acne

  1. Avoid picking or scratching as this may spread bacteria.
  2. Wash the area 2-3 times a day with luke-warm water and rakta chandana soap.
  3. Avoid chocolates, fried foods and junk foods.
  4. Drink 12 glasses of water in the day.
  5. Avoid humid conditions like sauna, steam and unventilated kitchen.
  6. Avoid hairstyles that cover the forehead as flakes may trigger acne spots.
  7. Sleep for at least 7 hours 
  8. Tame your stress 

Also Read: Tea in skin care

Apart from these tips, applying aloe vera ice cubes or kumkumadi Lepam could also soothe the burn and help in healing acne outbursts.

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