Health TipsWomen's Health

Nail Polish and Pregnancy: Is it Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

Cosmetics contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to our health.

But do you know that some studies have cited nail polish as hazardous during pregnancy? This is because nail polishes contain chemicals like contain formaldehyde, toluene, and plasticizers. These are known to be harmful to human health.

But they can impact your pregnancy?

Well, there is very little research supporting this. Though it is proven that your nail polish may contain potentially hazardous chemicals, the amount of those chemicals is minute. And it is the heavy exposure to these chemicals that pose a threat. So, occasional exposure to these chemicals through the use of nail polish can be touted as safe.

Many experts say that getting a manicure once or twice a week is safe during pregnancy. But if you are regularly exposed to these chemicals, like for women working in a nail salon, it might pose some risks.

5 Harmful chemicals that may be present in your nail polish

Nail polish may contain formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a common ingredient found in nail polish. Studies have found that formaldehyde is a known irritant. It can cause nausea, skin problems, eye irritation, and even inflamed airways and increase the risk of cancer. But these studies are based on heavy exposure to formaldehyde in the workplace. There is no evidence of fetal harm caused by the low levels of formaldehyde present in nail polish.

Nail polish contains toluene

Toluene is a solvent commonly found in nail polish used to keep the polish smooth and avoid bubbling on application. Studies have found that toluene can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, and eye irritation. High exposure to toluene is known to have toxic effects on the nervous system, liver, heart, and kidneys. It can also result in birth defects and developmental problems in children. These risks are associated with only high exposure to toluene.

Nail Polish may contain Phthalates

Phthalates are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). This can increase your risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the infant. Many nail polish removers have stopped using this chemical in their products. However, you must check the label to make sure your nail polish is Phthalates free.


In some nail polishes, chemicals are added to plastic products to prevent chipping of the nail polish. Studies have found that plasticizers can result in endocrine disruption and impaired fertility. While chronic exposures to plasticizers may result in adverse health effects, occasional exposures are not marked as high-risk for pregnant women. 


Many nail polish removers contain acetone which is another hazardous chemical for human health. However, the content of acetone in nail polish removers is very less. As a result, there is no substantial risk of using a nail polish remover during pregnancy. Many experts have cited that using nail polish remover once or twice a week is safe during pregnancy. 

How to take care of your nails during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your nails may turn brittle and break often. Here are some tips that will help you take better care of your nails during pregnancy –

Cut your nails short – This will prevent cracking and breakage of your nails and also help you maintain clean nails. Don’t forget to file your nails to give them good shape.

Avoid biting your nails – Getting anxious during pregnancy is very common. But you must consciously avoid biting your nails as it will not only damage your nails but can also cause potential health issues.

Use nail creams – Use a good organic cream for your hands, feet, and cuticles. This will moisturize your nails and strengthen them. Apply the cream before bedtime every night.

Oil and massage your feet – Use olive oil to massage your feet and leg. 

Your Takeaway

It is true that your little bottle of nail polish contains harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and plasticizers. These chemicals are associated with potentially dangerous health effects. However, experts say that using nail polish during pregnancy is safe. This is because the amount of these chemicals in a bottle of nail polish is less. Occasional low-level exposures to these chemicals are not associated with adverse health risks. 

However, to practice safety pregnant women can apply nail polish in a well-ventilated area. This will further reduce the risk of chemical inhalation. Also, you must remember to wash your hands and your nail polish thoroughly once it dries as a precaution.

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