managing kids in quarantine
Child HealthPreventive Health

Managing kids in quarantine: 10 ways to keep your kids engaged!

Doctors are going beyond their call of duty. Government is striving to find a solution. Families are scrambling to balance work and child care. And parents are becoming paranoid with the overwhelming experience of ‘managing kids in quarantine’.

The disastrous outbreak of Coronavirus has jolted the world to a halt! WHO has declared it a pandemic. Government is issuing orders for isolation. Doctors are sharing heart-breaking news. And the whole world stands petrified. 

We all are stranded in our house with gloomy faces and anxious eyes!

The number of infected people is soaring every second. 

And disheartening news is flooding the air.

As such holding your calm especially around the little bundle of energy might need an extra effort.

So, here are some parenting tips for you to get through this tough tide of coronavirus.

Managing kids in quarantine

Managing kids, in general, is not easy. You feel like needing a thousand hands. 

From grannies and relatives to house help and maids, it’s never enough.

But nuclear families have made it even harder.

Our parents stay far away in another village, town or city.

And nowadays, people are restraining their family planning to just one kid!

As such, its only the parents they have to grow up with!

Hence, a lot of burdens is on the parent to raise their kids right. Even on a normal day with the kid’s jam-packed routine, it seems tough. 

And then managing kids in quarantine! This is a challenge of the next level.

But with smart tricks you can get through this too. Here are 5 things you can do to manage kids in quarantine:

5 things you can do to manage kids in quarantine:

1. Split the stint

Kids need constant attention. And you have to give them that. So, share the load with your partner. Take turns and split the stint. 

Mommies may take up feeding and bathing. While the daddies do the playing and sleeping. Or you may do it vice versa. Whatever suits your family-style.

Use this time to bring knit your family close. 

No doubt you have all those mails of work from home and then the calls from a boss. 

But understand the whole world has come to a standstill. And you alone can’t move the wheel!

So, take a deep breath and divide your time between work, family, rest and rejuvenation!

But what if you are a single mom? Then ask your girlfriends, sisters or relatives to chip in!

2. Do the dance

Kids love entertainment. So, encourage your kid to join you at a dance party. 

How does it help?

Well, first this can be your super amazing workout for the day! 

And secondly, an hour of dance will make the kid exhaust his energy. 

This will help in maintaining their diet and sleep routine. Because a kid’s body needs movement and if you don’t give them that chance then their system may become sluggish!

3. Ask them to lend a hand!

Kids too are getting bored sitting at home!

So, engage them in activities that they have not done before. The mundane acts of dusting and cleaning might make them more disinterested.

So, ask them to cook or bake. Teach them gardening or accounting. Give them interesting and practical life lessons. 

Use their lingo of #hashtag challenges and spice up the simple chores!

4. Art is the best escape!

There is no better escape than an illusion. If your little one is interested in art, music or dance, then they probably don’t need you to pass their time.

Just give them that space and tools to practice their passion. 

And if your kid is not into any of these, then you may try tapping others areas.

Check their creativity with the camera. Ask them to click random pictures and then try to make it magical!

They will definitely be interested in this new-fangled passion. 

And who knows you might have just helped him find his path of life! 

5. Play indoor games

Remember the time you grew up! No mobiles, no cars yet we all grew up fine.

There are a lot of interesting indoor games that you all can play together.  Ludo, Carrom, chess, business, cards and puzzles are just some.

If your work is keeping you busy then you can split the kid’s routine with your neighbour. 

Someday, bring the other kid home. And someday send yours!

But make sure no one from that family is travelling out and they too are living in complete isolation!

But I have a toddler!

Well, managing a toddler is even tougher. Because they don’t understand corona. Nor they care!

They will pick up that gravel from the sand and put it in their mouth!

So, how do you manage your toddler in quarantine?

Well here are eight tips that might help!!

8 tips to manage your toddler in quarantine

1. Dance Party

Yes, the dance party works with even the toddlers. They love to hop and jump. So, that’s one thing you can do to keep them engaged. Exhaust their energy. Stir their hunger. And then sing a lullaby to make them sleep!

2. Building Forts

Kids will love to make and break the forts. You can also try to teach them colour combinations or counting the numbers in the process!

3. The utensil game

Kid’s may get bored with their games and toys! So, give them some steel utensils and they will stay engaged at least for half an hour.

4. Something new every day

Kids are very curious. They can be intrigued even by simple things. Be it your rubber band, dad’s wallet, crayons, or bangles. They will sit with it at least for 30 to 40 minutes.

5. Something to eat!

The best way to keep them engaged in a healthy way is by feeding them right. Cut some apple or give them grapes. Pomegranate seeds or strawberries. Give it in a bowl and let them eat. It will take them 30-40 minutes to empty that bowl. 10 minutes for you to clean the mess. 

6. Trip it on a trampoline

If you have a trampoline in your house then use it to the fullest. Else make a DIY trampoline with old cushions and mattress. You can also put old stuff toys in and stick a big bedsheet. 

7. Beat time with Balance 

Teach them a balancing game and they will keep repeating it until they ace it. So, that will take them 60 to 90 minutes easily!

8. Balloons

Kids love balloons. Give them a packet of colourful balloons and watch them invent their own games. Just keep an eye if the balloon burst. Remove the pieces immediately else they may put it in their mouth.

No doubt, it’s difficult to keep kids engaged while you are buried in the laptop! But with a few smart tricks, you can turn parenting fun for both!

Also, make sure that their play area is free of small items. Else they can put it in their mouth, nose or ears. 

How to keep you sane?

With work, house, kids and husband sometimes it can get claustrophobic. And you might need to make an effort to grasp a breath.

So, here are a few things you need to do to keep your sane:

Meditation: Start your day with a few minutes of meditation. Meditation shields your energy and helps you sustain a day full of chaos!

Pranayama: Whenever you feel anxious, stressed or depressed just remember to breathe in and breathe out. It will instantly bring your calm. Normalize your heart rate and keep your pressure under control.

Yoga: If you skipped that dance party, then fight corona with yoga! Ask your kids to join in!

Art: Unleash the Picasso within, or let Rahman come out! Engage in fun-filled activities and enjoy the moments.

Read a Book: Books are the best source of inspiration. It can sweep you to a different world altogether. So, after meditation read at least one page of a good book!

Things you should refrain from doing!

  • Don’t panic and don’t get stressed.
  • Don’t make kids feel that they are a burden to you. It affects them negatively.
  • Avoid arguments, share the load and show empathy to each other.
  • Don’t be hooked to the news. Tune it just once a day not more than that!
  • Don’t keep your kids engaged in gadgets.

Conclusion: Managing kids in quarantine!

Times are hard. It’s hard for everyone. Even your kids are struggling to understand what has happened. Their routines have disrupted. They can’t meet their friends. And on top of that, this chaos is beyond their understanding. 

They too might be scared, stressed and anxious. 

Kids are very sensitive. 

So, please don’t shout or shut your kids when they bug you! It will have a very impact on them.

Just take a deep breath and remember nothing is more important to you than your kid!

So, please be attentive and help them endure this time with grace, poise and courage!

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Preeti March 22, 2020 at 4:40 pm

Thank you,as always detailed coverage of problems and also the solution👍

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 22, 2020 at 5:20 pm

thanks dear. you can make use of it

Satvik March 22, 2020 at 4:40 pm

This is the time they get to put out their creative side

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 22, 2020 at 5:21 pm

yes. this is the opportunity too.

Anagha bhat March 23, 2020 at 11:31 am

Sir…You are a saviour!!! Going to try some with my over zealous toddler..

Veda March 23, 2020 at 10:00 am

Thanks a lot to think of our problems and giving us ample solutions. One thing thats tough to refrain is news..🙄

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 23, 2020 at 10:13 am


Anagha bhat March 23, 2020 at 11:32 am

Sir…You are a saviour!!! Going to try some with my over zealous toddler..

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 23, 2020 at 11:39 am


Srini Darsi March 23, 2020 at 6:13 pm

Thanks for writing detailed article Sir.
This tips will help a lot during these trying times.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 24, 2020 at 5:51 am

thank you

Ravi Shankar March 23, 2020 at 1:20 pm

Need of the hour Doctor…will be helpful for many parents and super Good to follow your suggestions …. Spending time with family…

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 23, 2020 at 1:57 pm


VANITHA G March 25, 2020 at 4:42 pm

Thank you sir, as always thoughts for us

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