MEN'S health

Managing Mid-Life Crisis in Men: 6 Effective Strategies You Need to Know

One out of four people reports that they went through the phase of a Midlife crisis.

Midlife crisis is a psychological disorder that men and women experience due to aging. It is mostly reported between the age between 40 and 55. 

Though the most common symptom of a midlife crisis is thought to be depression, it could vary depending on the person. From anger to frustration to drastic life changes, a midlife crisis can have a range of symptoms. 

Sometimes, midlife can also be characterized by intense feelings of nostalgia, emptiness, and meaninglessness. Changes in sleep habits or appetite, insomnia, loss of appetite, or overeating are also common symptoms of a midlife crisis.

What is a midlife crisis?

A midlife crisis is a realization or the feeling of unfulfillment. Not achieving goals, not doing enough, not living the life they expected to be living, such feelings are often common in men during midlife. 

A midlife crisis can also lead to marital infidelity or constant thoughts about infidelity, intense feelings of regret, and impulsive or rash actions. Some men experience loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decreased levels of testosterone, and sexual problems. This adds to their anxiety and stress.

Is a mid-life crisis dangerous?

A midlife crisis is a psychological disorder in which the person may not be making rational decisions or thinking straight. In this phase, a man might want to change everything in life, from quitting his job to finding his way out of the marriage to changing his identity, the urge could be strong. 

In some cases, if the midlife crisis is coupled with depression, then the man may also experience elevated levels of anxiety, fear, worry, loss of interest in sex, irritability, and anger. Research also shows that men are not only at an elevated risk of depression during their middle ages, but they are also at a higher risk of suicide.

6 ways to deal with Midlife Crisis 

Avoid making hasty decisions

In Midlife crises, men often make hasty decisions that they later repent for. Whether it’s having an extramarital affair, splurging on a luxury car, or buying an unaffordable villa. If you are experiencing one or more symptoms of a mid-life crisis along with the urgency of making changes, then take a step back.

Talk it out 

Midlife crisis is a common problem and many in your close circle might already know about it. Since, the feelings of loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness often accompany this phase, having a strong mental anchor can be really helpful. If you don’t have anyone trustworthy in your inner circle then, seek help from a professional mental health expert.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude can really help in shifting your focus from the unaccomplished goals and missed opportunities to the beautiful reality. You can practice gratitude every day by journal writing or praying.

Be kind, always

A midlife crisis is a tough time and as such, it is quite possible to get the worst version of yourself. So, be mindful to be always kind, to yourself and the people around you, especially your wife and kids.

It’s not always bad

A midlife crisis is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it may push one to the road of self-discovery and help one find their true passion. Sometimes, altering your career could be a good thing, or ending a dead marriage might be the right thing. So, acknowledge your feelings and think them through.

Take care of yourself

While going through transformative years, it is very important to take care of your physical and mental health. If your emotions are unregulated for more than a week or two or it’s affecting your relationship and job performance then consult a doctor or a therapist.

Your Takeaway!

Midlife crisis is a common phase of life that comes with aging, and with the growing pace of life, it is becoming more common than ever. Though most people know midlife crises as the destroyer of marriages, it does not have to be. With proper awareness, knowledge, and counseling midlife crisis can be handled in the right way. 

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Srinivas Raitha March 17, 2023 at 9:35 am

An apt description of middle age crisis. Thank you so much sir. Yeah, as we know in our close circle friends and relations suffer from this phase of life. They cannot understand the real problem. hastely took decisions and suffered a lot. some lost their life also.

In Covid time, we saw great great people lost their lives because of pandemic fear. could not think of common people. really it was disastrous.

Only good attitude, right kind of association with friends and works can protect us.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak April 4, 2023 at 6:03 am

I’m glad that you found my description of the middle age crisis helpful. Unfortunately, many people struggle with this phase of life, and it can be challenging for them to understand and cope with the real problem. Hastily taking decisions can lead to significant consequences, and individuals need to take the time to reflect and make informed choices.

The pandemic has also been a difficult time for many people, and, unfortunately, so many lives have been lost. It is essential to maintain a positive attitude and seek support from the right people during such trying times. Having supportive friends and meaningful work can help individuals navigate through tough times and come out stronger on the other side.

It is important to remember that life is precious, and we should do our best to make the most of it by taking care of our mental and physical health and making meaningful connections with others. By staying positive and seeking support when needed, we can overcome any challenges that come our way.


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