Mood and Constipation: Ayurvedic Doctor says they are linked!
Digestive Health

Link Between Mood and Constipation: How One Affects the Other

Mood and constipation are closely intertwined!

Yes, you heard it right! 

Constipation is a mood spoiler, and foul mood can give you a hard time in the loo. 

It’s not some ancient folklore, modern researches and studies are saying the same too. 

A study screened constipated patients for psychiatric disorders. It revealed a relatively high prevalence of anxiety and depression. Further studies showed that a third of people with depression have chronic constipation. 

This link is more prevalent among elderly patients. 

A few studies also reported that people with depression often complain of bowel difficulties. It is one of the biggest factors that affect their quality of life. 

Also Read: Constipation in children and infants

Do you know the gut is often called the ‘body’s second brain’?

The gut contains more neurons than the spinal cord. 

And it uses the same neurotransmitters as the brain.

Researchers also probed the use of serotonin, the happy hormone in the brain and the gut. It’s seen that people with depression have lower levels of serotonin in their brain. They also found that neurons in the gastrointestinal system used the same neurotransmitter serotonin. And a shortage of serotonin can result in constipation.

These similarities between the gut and the brain suggest the two are closely connected.

Also Read: Ayurvedic treatment for constipation

Emotions and Bowels

Ever got a hard time in the loo at the end of a stressful day?

Stress can upset your gut. It makes your muscle tense and this can give you a hard time passing stool. Also, stress sends out emergency signals that keep your brain high on alert. This makes you more aware of your upset belly.

Anything that causes stress affects your emotions. 

Feeling low, exhausted and frustrated is quite common in high tense situations. 

This can lower the levels of serotonin in your body. 

Also Read: Improve your emotional immunity

Research Quotes: Mood and Constipation

Researchers say that patients with diagnosed clinical depression report frequent gastrointestinal problems. This includes constipation, irritatable bowel syndrome and diarrhoea. Bloating and flatulence are also common.

But it’s constipation which is significantly high in patients suffering from mild depression. 

Researchers say that patients with moderate and severe depression complain of chronic diarrhoea. However, those with only mild depression was significantly associated with chronic constipation.

Thus, a little effort to boost the mood might be the cure to constipation. 

Manage Your Mood and Cure Your Constipation

The key to managing your mood and curing your constipation might be the same.

That’s taking care of the happy hormones – serotonin!

Of course, it’s impossible for anybody to live life in an elated state at all times. But a few tips can help maintain the balance even through the rough patches.

Check out these simple tips to keep your mood and tummy happy:

1. Take up a happy sport

Exercise releases happy hormones in your body. It is a proven de-stressor and mood enhancer. Further, the benefits of exercise in metabolism needs no introduction. So, go for a walk, take a swim or ride a bike. You can pick any movement that stimulates your hormones.

This is the simplest way to keep your mood on and stomach light!

2. Talk the shit out

It’s important to get toxic things out of your system. Be it your poop or your thoughts. So, whatever is agonizing you talk it out with someone. And if there is no one to listen (which is very common nowadays) then write it out!

But make sure to take the shit out!

Also Read: Health benefits of gratitude diary writing

3. Mind your Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is the key to healthy living. It eases your stress and boosts your digestion. From focusing on your breathing to your eating, mindfulness makes everything better.

Practice meditation, yoga and prayer to improve your awareness.

4. Practice positivity

Positivity is a habit and you can develop it with practice. A positive perspective makes every situation seem better. It is a proven immune booster. Positive thoughts keep your mind fresh and your gut clear!

Start your day with gratitude and celebrate the small thrills.

Also Read: How to stop overthinking?

5. Don’t hesitate to seek help

Much like any physical ailment, depression too is a disease. So, never neglect your symptoms. Reach out to someone who can help or visit a doctor. Be it stress, anxiety or depression, address your issues. 

Depression is a disease and it is curable!

Years of research and thousands of clinical studies prove the link between your mood and constipation. One can trigger another. So, if you are suffering from chronic constipation then you must check your happiness quotient too!

Curing one might relieve another!

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Dr.Ranjana Nayak October 9, 2020 at 7:20 am

Good information…

Mahendra November 15, 2020 at 11:23 am

Excellent information

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak November 16, 2020 at 7:11 am

thank you

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