Morning Routine for Diabetics
Diabetes Care

A Morning Routine for Managing Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a very common health condition, especially in India.

While earlier it was thought to be an aging ailment, in the current statistics, people as early as in their 30s are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. As such, raising awareness about this disease and understanding more about it has become vital. 

Diabetes cannot be cured, nor it can be reversed, but it can be managed with the right diet and lifestyle. If left unmanaged, diabetes can lead to several complications including kidney disorder, heart disease, blindness, amputation, neuropathy, and other conditions. The good thing is managing diabetes is not that difficult, especially if you set your morning routine for diabetics right.

Morning Routine for diabetics

The key to managing steady blood sugar levels throughout the day is to develop a daily routine. The routine should involve drastic changes that you cannot stick to. Anybody can adopt a new routine for a day or a week, but sticking to a disciplined routine year after year for the rest of your life is the goal!

So, before designing a morning routine for diabetics, ask yourself, ‘Are you a morning person?’ Being a morning person comes with many benefits, but if it’s something that you are struggling with then tweak this routine according to your preferences. As there is no size-fit-all-all formula for diabetics, you are free to make changes and design your personalized morning routine.

Morning Routine for diabetics

Check your blood glucose levels

The first thing that most diabetics miss is their blood glucose levels every morning. It is very important to know your blood sugar levels before you eat, exercise, drive or basically do anything. 

Research has shown that people who monitor their blood glucose levels closely have a significantly better quality of life as compared to people who miss checking on their blood glucose levels. It is also important to check your levels and report to your doctor if you notice a change. A change in the levels of your blood glucose levels might need a change in your prescription.

Move your body to stabilize your sugar

Physical activity, of any kind, is crucial to managing your blood glucose levels. When you engage your body in movement, your cells burn blood sugar directly without relying on insulin. Further, research has shown that exercising aids your body in using insulin more effectively. Physical activities also curb your risk of diabetes complications like heart disease or depression and help in managing body weight.

Ideally engaging in 45 minutes of moderate exercising every day is good for your health. If you don’t like going to the gym or working out freehand, then something as simple as walking or jogging also works excellent. Simple lifestyle changes like taking the stairs, playing a sport, or walking after meals can make a huge difference.

Also Read: Mental Stress and Diabetes

Design your own diabetes breakfast

A diabetes breakfast does not have to be very different from a healthy breakfast. The only thing to keep in mind is to never skip your breakfast at any cost. The first meal of the day helps prevent fluctuations in your blood glucose levels. Many people start their day with no breakfast which is the most important meal of the day. Skipping your breakfast would make you feel hungrier and make you binge on unhealthy snacks.

A diabetic patient has been prescribed diabetic medications as per standard diabetic meals. Thus, sticking to the same amount of nutrients in your meals and having your meals at the same time, every day is very crucial. Make sure to include plenty of fiber in your diabetes breakfast. Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Avoid sugar, sweetened beverages, soda, and alcohol. 

Also Read: Never Skip Your Breakfast. Know Why?

Keep your eyes on your  foot 

Another thing that you must do every morning without fail is to check your foot. High blood sugar tends to cause nerve damage which can lead to loss of sensation in your foot. Missing a potent injury can lead to infections which in worst cases have resulted in foot amputations. So, check your feet for sores and cuts and apply medicines for quick healing. Also, make sure to check your shoes to avoid soreness.

Try to massage your feet every morning before stepping out of your bed.
This aids in improving blood circulation throughout the body relieves muscle soreness, calms stress, and helps you start the day on the right foot.

Gulp down a glass of water

Whether you are a diabetic or not, having a warm glass of water first thing in the morning is very helpful. Water rehydrates your body and cleanses your intestines. It also flushes the toxins and gears up your digestive system. Water improves your metabolism and reduces your calorie intake which will contribute to weight loss.

However, this is especially recommended for diabetics because they have a higher risk of dehydration due to elevated blood sugar levels. If you don’t like having plain water, then drink lemon water, coconut water, or herbal teas.

Also Read: Is coconut water safe for diabetes?

Managing your diabetes, the herbal way!

Sip some fenugreek water

Fenugreek water or methi seeds are very beneficial for diabetics. Soak a handful of methi seeds in a glass of water, cover it with a lid, and leave it overnight. Fenugreek is high in soluble fiber that slows down the absorption of sugar and aids in managing blood sugar levels.

Chew some soaked almonds

Almonds are a good source of healthy fats, antioxidants, and high-quality protein. Soak a few almonds at night, and the next morning take the almonds out and peel them well. 

Green tea

Green tea is a super source of antioxidants. Rich in polyphenols, green tea has effective hypoglycaemic effects. It aids in managing your blood sugar levels naturally.

Cinnamon water

Cinnamon is a very effective home remedy for diabetes. Drinking cinnamon with warm water on an empty stomach helps increase metabolism, burn fats, and aid in managing blood glucose levels.

Also Read: Alcohol and diabetes

Your takeaway!

Morning routine for diabetics is very crucial and getting it right can help in making significant improvements in your quality of life. So, make sure to design your morning routine keeping these things in mind and the most important thing is to plan your day well to avoid stress and anxiety. You can also practice yoga and meditation, right in the morning for a better day!

Remember to consult your doctor when in doubt. Keeping a tab on your health parameters and keeping your doctor updated about the same can help in achieving remarkable results. 

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