Paneer Ke Phool. It is an age-old formula in diabetes management
Ayurvedic MedicinesDiabetes Care

Paneer Ke Phool: Nature’s Cure for Blood Sugar Control

They say, ‘Diabetes is a chronic ail with no cure‘. Ayurveda offers simple natural tips that can make diabetes manageable. Be it okra water to Methi seeds. One such age-old formula for diabetes management is ‘Paneer ke Phool’.

What is Paneer Ke Phool?

Also known as ‘Paneer Dodi’ or Withania Coagulans, it is a herbal flower widely found in India. It has some amazing medicinal properties. Ayurveda used this flower as an important ingredient in various medicines.

However, it’s role in the management of diabetes is striking.

Much like Turmeric, Methi seeds, Karela Jamun Juice and Okra water, Paneer ke Phool is another potent natural remedy for diabetes management.

That’s not it!

This flower also has amazing sedative and diuretic properties. That makes it a great cure for insomnia, nervous exhaustion and asthma. This is one natural remedy that this generation battling with diseases must know.

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Paneer Ke Phool in Diabetes Management

Ayurveda lauded Paneer ke Phool for diabetes management some 5000 years ago. Even today, it is an efficient and relevant remedy. And with the recent interest in Ayurveda this too finding a place in modern medicine.

Firstly, it is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Secondly, it improves glucose utilization in the body. Thirdly, it is effective in lowering the incidents of hypo-glycaemia. 

Research agreed that Paneer ka Phool is a safe and effective way of managing Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetic patients can use it as a daily supplement to synthetic anti-diabetic drugs. 

How does it work in diabetes management?

This Ayurvedic remedy has the ability to regulate insulin level inside the cells. It also plays a role in repairing the beta cells of the pancreas which are responsible for producing insulin.

The plant has antihyperglycemic properties that help in diabetes management. In addition, it helps in producing red blood cells and controls the metabolism process.

In other words –

  • It regulates the pancreas.
  • Helps in increasing insulin production.
  • Balances the quantity of glucose.

Regular consumption of its decoction has shown remarkable benefits in the management of diabetes.

Research Quotes

A study revealed that regular consumption of ‘Paneer ke Phool’ for 30 days significantly improved glycaemic status. It could also normalize plasma glucose concentrations. The study concluded that it contains active components that have hypoglycemic effects. 

Another study on the Effect of Withania Coagulans on Insulin Sensitivity is published on Research Gate. It reported a significant decrease in blood glucose and serum insulin levels on regular use of Withania coagulans.

The study also reported significant improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

How to use Paneer Ke Phool?

Paneer Ke Phool can be consumed in the form of Kadha.

  • Take 5-6 paneer ke phool for mild diabetes and 10-15 for high diabetes.
  • Soak them in water overnight. You may also soak them in water for 2 hours.
  • Bring it to boil to extract the nutrients.
  • Crush the flowers, filter the water, and drink the decoction on an empty stomach.

Repeat this practice every day. You may also use the powder available in Ayurvedic stores. 

The taste of Paneer ke Phool Kadha is not very appealing, but the effects are. Consult with an Ayurvedic doctor for best recommendations. And use it regularly for one or two months to get the best results. 


  • Note your sugar and cholesterol levels before starting the course.
  • Keep a regular check of your sugar levels to mark the results.
  • There are no side effects of paneer ka phool reported.

However, it is important to remember that no single food can completely reverse, cure or treat diabetes completely.

And any such claim is a false promise.

However, the management of diabetes is possible.

Things a diabetic must start doing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Paneer Ke Phool, and how does it work for blood sugar control?

Paneer Ke Phool is a herb that grows in arid regions and is commonly found in parts of India and Pakistan. It contains bioactive compounds that have anti-diabetic properties. These compounds work by enhancing insulin secretion, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing glucose absorption, ultimately aiding in blood sugar control.

Can Paneer Ke Phool be used as a standalone remedy for diabetes?

While Paneer Ke Phool shows promise in blood sugar control, it is not a standalone remedy for diabetes. It is best utilized as a complementary approach alongside a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and medication (if prescribed) to manage diabetes effectively.

How can Paneer Ke Phool be consumed for blood sugar control?

Paneer Ke Phool can be consumed in various forms. It is commonly available in dried flower form, powdered form, or as capsules. The powder can be mixed with water or added to herbal teas or smoothies. However, it’s essential to consult with an Ayurvedic doctor for appropriate dosage and guidance.

Are there any side effects of consuming Paneer Ke Phool?

When used in recommended dosages, Paneer Ke Phool is generally considered safe with minimal side effects. However, some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions. It’s crucial to start with a small dosage and observe your body’s response. If any adverse effects occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Can Paneer Ke Phool replace diabetes medications?

No, Paneer Ke Phool should not replace prescribed diabetes medications. It can be used as a supportive measure, but it is crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s advice regarding medication usage. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is necessary, and any adjustments to medication should be made under medical supervision.

Are there any other health benefits of Paneer Ke Phool?

Yes, Paneer Ke Phool offers additional health benefits. It possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, aids in digestion, supports liver health, boosts immunity, and promotes overall well-being. Its multifaceted nature makes it a valuable herb for overall health maintenance.

Can Paneer Ke Phool be used by individuals with pre-diabetes?

Yes, Paneer Ke Phool can be beneficial for individuals with pre-diabetes. Its ability to regulate blood sugar levels may help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. However, it’s essential to consult with a doctor for personalized guidance and a comprehensive approach to managing pre-diabetes.

How long does it take to see results with Paneer Ke Phool for blood sugar control?

The time taken to see results can vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of diabetes, lifestyle habits, and overall health. Consistent use of Paneer Ke Phool, along with lifestyle modifications, can potentially show improvement in blood sugar levels over time. It’s important to be patient and maintain regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Can Paneer Ke Phool be used by individuals on other medications?

If you are taking other medications, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor before incorporating Paneer Ke Phool into your routine. Although Paneer Ke Phool is generally safe, it may interact with certain medications, especially those used for diabetes or blood sugar control. Your healthcare provider will be able to assess any potential interactions and provide guidance on how to incorporate Paneer Ke Phool safely into your regimen.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can complement the use of Paneer Ke Phool for blood sugar control?

Absolutely! While Paneer Ke Phool can be a valuable aid in blood sugar control, lifestyle changes play a vital role in managing diabetes effectively. Adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress levels, and getting adequate sleep are all crucial components of a holistic approach to blood sugar control.

Conclusion: It’s a research-proven remedy

Many of us are skeptical about using ancient remedies doubting their potency. But when research and studies stamp the same, you know it has some potency!

In conclusion, Paneer ke Phoon is one potent remedy that diabetics must try!

Always rememeber what Ayurveda says. Everything does not work for everyone. So, keep trying these variety of Ayurvedic home remedies and find yourr best suit!

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Santhirasegaram Balenthiran November 21, 2020 at 5:13 pm

Do you have ant blood glucose test results?

Krishna Kumar Nair November 25, 2020 at 3:29 pm

How much time it takes to get the result, as I am taking this for the last one month, but have not get the result sofar. Please advise.

Thank you

Swati Rawat January 21, 2021 at 9:19 am

Sir which book gives the classical reference for panir dodi?

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Annadani Alur March 6, 2021 at 12:39 am

I am using panneer ka phool for the last one month.My auger level come down to the minimum and even I experienced hypoglycemia.hence for the last two three days I have stopped using this.This is very nice Ayurvedic medicine for type II diabetic patients.

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Great article. Thank you for writing this. I think we don’t harvest Phool in India.

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