Diabetes CareFood

Peanut Butter: A Healthy & Tasty Option for Diabetics

Peanut butter is good for maintaining your blood glucose levels. 

A few days ago, I recommended one of my diabetic patients add peanut butter to the diet and he asked me how is butter good for diabetes! 

Well, peanut butter is a combination of protein and healthy oils. It is low in calories and carbohydrates but high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Peanut butter can keep you fuller for longer. In addition to this, the glycaemic index of peanut butter is very low. 

Peanut butter is like a secret weapon that tastes great but does not cause a blood sugar spike. It is also high in B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin K, and magnesium. Magnesium is very essential for people with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Studies have found that magnesium can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation.

I often recommend a diet chart to diabetic patients and ask them to include peanut butter in their breakfast. Many of my patients have reported a visible change in their weight after starting the diet plan.  

A study found that eating peanut butter at breakfast can help curb your appetite. It can also help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Check out some of the benefits of eating peanut butter –

5 Reasons why diabetics must add peanut butter to their diet

Reduce sugar levels

Peanut butter can help reduce your blood sugar levels. The glycaemic index of peanut butter is just 14.  The glycaemic index is a measure of how quickly the blood sugar rises after eating food. The lower the glycaemic index of a food, the lower the impact on blood glucose. 

Lowers insulin resistance

Some studies found that peanut butter can increase the production of a hormone that can lower insulin resistance and stimulate insulin production. It can further slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, which results in a steady release of glucose in the body without causing a spike. 

It promotes your heart health

Diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease. Studies have found that 80% of the fat present in peanut butter comes from healthy unsaturated fat. These fats help in lowering the risk of heart disease. In addition to healthy fats, peanut butter contains magnesium, B vitamins, phytosterols, and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for a healthy heart.

Weight control

One of the biggest risks of diabetes is obesity. Peanut butter is an excellent snack if you are looking at weight loss foods. Snacking on peanut butter can keep you fuller for a longer duration. It can curb your appetite and promote a healthier weight. 


Peanut butter is an excellent source of magnesium. It contains 12% of the daily value of recommended magnesium intake. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that can reduce the risk of diabetes. It improves the release and absorption of insulin in the body. Magnesium also plays a role in improving metabolism, preventing inflammation, and improving insulin resistance.

Best ways to Consume Peanut Butter

You can have your peanut butter with your salads. It will give a nutty and buttery flavor to your veggies. Having peanut butter for the breakfast is also a great option. You can add a spoonful of peanut butter to oats and it will keep you fuller and energized for longer. The simplest way is to add peanut butter to your bread and have it as a healthy snack.

Your Takeaway!

Peanuts are a very healthy option for people with diabetes. They can help raise good cholesterol in the body and lower bad cholesterol. Their rich nutritional profile can also help reduce the risk of heart issues which are common among diabetics.

However, overconsumption of peanut butter should be avoided. Like with any other food, eating in moderation is the key. Also, make sure to choose the right peanut butter as many brands have added salt, sugar, and processed oils. If you are allergic to peanuts, then you must avoid peanut butter.

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[…] of weight gain in the long run.  However, intake of protein from the plant sources such as nuts, and seeds depicted minimal weight gain in the later part of […]


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