People below 30 are more prone to depression 
Mental Health

Why Depression is on the Rise Among Young Adults: Understanding Risk Factors and How to Help

The latest research revealed that people below 30 are more prone to depression. conducted this survey on World Health Day. And the results were rather shocking. Most mental facility inquiries came from people below the age of 30!

The report revealed 

  • 78% of doctor appointments for mental illness comprised of people under 30.
  • 79% of online doctor consultations for mental health were from people under 30.
  • People in the age group 18-24 made maximum visits for mental health.
  • The age group of 25-34 were next in line.

This report further revealed a whopping 62% growth in mental health complaints nationally. Anxiety and depression are major concerns. Further, online consultation for mental health problems saw 4-fold growth.

Also Read: COVID-19 and the historic rise in mental health issues

The soaring high in depression

One of the most prevalent health concerns among Indians is depression

50 percent of the youth affected is under the age of 14 and 75 percent under 25.

A report by AIIMS stated that depression in India has risen in the last 10 years. And the numbers have swelled since the pandemic. A new study reported 13 % of Indians reported depression since the pandemic. The cases of insomnia and anxiety have also increased.

Also Read: Simple home remedies for anger issues

People below 30 are more prone to depression

Reports say young Indians are grappling with mental health problems. Panic attacks have become a common complaint in school children. Anxiety, anger issues, suicidal intentions, and addictions are also on the rise.

Suicide is the top reason for death in the age group of 15-29. A 2019 study stated that 1 in 5 adolescents in India suffers from some level of mental morbidity. Early maturity, casual sex, peer pressure, and substance use are some of the raging reasons!

Other causes are childhood abuse, body shaming, and internet trolling. Busy and stressed parents can also contribute to psychological disturbances in children. Doctors also say increased use of gadgets and disturbed sleep patterns also impacts the mood. 

Also Read: 10 Tips to overcome depression

Symptoms of mental illness in children

Children often face difficulties in expressing themselves. That’s why parents must keep a keen eye on their children. Some of the most common symptoms of mental illness are:

  • Irritability or grumpiness.
  • Constant tiredness and fatigue
  • Feeling guilt or remorse.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Lacking motivation
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Substance abuse.
  • Mood swings.
  • Casual sex.
  • Social withdrawal
  • Poor grades.
  • Recklessness and speed driving.
  • Risk-taking behaviour
  • Suicidal thoughts

Also Read: What’s the right time for sex education in children?

Maintaining mental health in children

Adolescence is a tough ride with puberty messing up the hormones. They become self-conscious and become aware of the ugliness around them. This makes them more vulnerable to mental health issues. 

However, balanced home life and educational environment can help children sail through. With proper support and encouragement, kids can develop resilience in life. This also improves their self-esteem.

While there is no perfect way to raise your kids, parents need to ensure a few things. 

1. Awareness about mental health problems 

To find a solution, it is important to acknowledge the problem first. Depression among young children is a real problem. Many young minds are grappling with mental health problems. Thus, being aware of the situations will help in understanding your child better.

2. Provide a safe and loving home 

Kids feel secure and happy when they grow in a safe, loving, and peaceful home environment. When the child feels wanted and secure, he or she feels free to open up. Children growing up in a loving home also exhibits better self-esteem. 

3. Playtime can be the mind saviour

Childhood too can be stressful with all the competition, examination, and never-ending syllabus. Physical activity is very important for children’s mental health. Make sure your kid gets the time to move out and engage in fun activities.

4. Limit your child’s screen exposure

Increased screen time in children is another major cause of depression. Excess use of any gadget, be it for video games, social media or binge-watching is harmful. It often causes insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety in children.

5. Spend time with your kids

When it comes to mental health care and communication is the answer. Make sure to take out the time from your busy schedule to talk to your child. Make them feel loved and wanted. That’s all the tender minds want!

Depression is treatable. With a little care, we can tackle this rise in mental health issues among children. 

People below 30 are more prone to depression – Depression in the twenties

Relationship problems and unemployment are the top reasons for depression in the early twenties. The sudden transit to a fast-paced life can also contribute to depression. Job relocation is another factor that can create a sense of isolation and insecurity. 

Studies further suggest women under 30 are more susceptible to depression. Because of their rapid transition from a maiden to a woman to motherhood. Most mothers raising a kid under the age of 5 without support suffers from mental health issues.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and lack of sleep can also contribute to depression. Millennials are breaking all rules when it comes to healthy living. Be it their erratic sleep routine or bizarre food choices. 

Another cause of mental health issues in people under 30 is the early onset of chronic illness. People in their twenties are battling thyroid, diabetes, and even cancer. Early signs of aging are another cause of mental stress and anxiety. 

Also Read: Can delay sleep timing during pregnancy cause post-partum depression?

Symptoms of mental issues in adults

The major symptoms are loss of interest in every aspect of life. Other common symptoms include –

  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty concentration
  • Restlessness
  • Stomach disorders
  • Heaviness in the chest
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness

The factors causing mental health issues can be varied. Ranging from genetics to environmental to neurological. These factors cumulatively have contributed to the soaring numbers of depressive patients. No matter what’s the cause, the need for attention remains the same. 

Also Read: Ayurvedic Treatment for depression

Maintaining mental health in people below 30

Depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues are serious illnesses but they are treatable. With proper care and caution, mental health can be managed well. Here are 5 ways that work effectively in calming the nerves – 

1. Meditation and mindfulness

It is scientifically proven that meditation and mindfulness can help in treating depression. It works as a shield against the stress and anxiety of strenuous modern life. Meditation and mindfulness improve awareness and enhance general wellness. 

10 minutes of calm in the morning can be the best capsule for your mental health!

2. Pranayama

Breathing exercises are an effective remedy against stress and anxiety attacks. Research shows that practicing pranayama every day is effective against stress. Slow deep breathing slows down the heartbeat and calms your nerves. 

3. Exercise

Research states that walking in the woods, taking a jog, yoga or exercise helps secrete happy hormones. It’s called ‘runner’s high’. Exercise improves your blood circulation and lowers your blood pressure. Another study quoted that 150 minutes of exercise a week can ease depression

4. Self-time 

Spending some self-time can be healing for your health. Try taking a hobby or spend some time reading your favorite book. People often miss out on life trying to earn a living. That’s the main cause of mental agony. Take your pauses and move at your own pace.

5. Reduce the use of gadgets

Gadgets are harmful not only for kids but also for adults. Millennials are on the web all the time. And that’s eating up a major portion of their mind. High use of Facebook is proven to cause depression and so is Pub G!

Also Read: How do electronic gadgets impact your mood?

Apart from 5 proven ways to battle depression, Abyanga, warm baths, community service can also help. If depression is severe, and thoughts of self-harm are floating in the mind, then it’s very important to consult a doctor immediately.

Mental health is a real issue. We must take a note to care for mental health.

An Ayurvedic Doctor’s verdict!

The number of patients visiting my clinic for mental health issues has increased by three-folds. The maximum complaints are for anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and stress. So, the rise in mental health issues is evident.  

Maybe retracting our steps to the 90s can help battle this pandemic. Children playing in the park, adults gathering for tea, families sticking together, and life less stressful. That’s the key to better mental health!

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Srinivas Raitha January 10, 2021 at 1:42 pm

Great article sir. I have farwarded it to atleast 30 groups.
Yes, young generation is suffering from mentle problems. We the elders should give great attention and care for them.

Really very useful information.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 11, 2021 at 3:16 am

thank you

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