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How Can You Naturally Care for Your Lips? Discover DIY Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Lips

Our lips are the first to get affected due to harsh weather. Environmental pollution, dehydration, some medications, smoking, etc can also affect the lips and make them dry, chapped, and pigmented. This happens because the skin of the lips is very thin and sensitive. 

We usually ignore the lips when we take care of our bodies and even our faces. Lips do need care. So, make lip care a part of your daily skincare regimen. Here are some easy home remedies to get naturally soft and beautiful lips. 

According to Ayurveda, lips become dry, dark, and cracked when Vata dosha increases. The vitiated Vata can be pacified by applying warm ghee infused with Vata-balancing herbs.

Dark and dry lips 

Smoking is a common reason for dull and dark lips. Stress also takes its toll by making the lips dark. Bad-quality cosmetics and lipsticks are also reasons for dark lips. But don’t worry, you can undo the damage. All you need is to set aside 15 minutes every day to take care of your lips. 

Exfoliate with honey and sugar scrub

Lips usually turn dark due to the accumulation of dead cells. Homemade lip scrubs are highly effective in removing dead skin and making the lips smooth and soft.

Do it yourself: Take 1 teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of honey. Mix them well and apply them on the lips. Gently massage the scrub on your lips for a minute, and leave it on your lips for a few minutes. Then, wash it off. You can do this twice or thrice a week to get good results.

Sugar, rich in antioxidants, will prevent lips from getting damaged from the sun. Sugar also contains glycolic acid that conditions the lips and prevents them from environmental toxins. Honey has enzymes that help in lightening the color of the lips. Honey also moisturizes.

Rose petals and milk

Rose petals and milk work as a remedy for the discoloration of lips. Rose petals nourish, soften and lighten the lips naturally. Both rose petals and milk work as natural moisturizers. It will also provide healthy hydration to the lips. The natural oils present in the rose will protect the lips. 

Do it yourself: Soak 5-6 rose petals in a little milk overnight. Strain the petals from the milk and mash them into a fine paste. Apply this paste onto your lips and leave it on for 15 minutes. If the paste is too thick, mix a few drops of milk and apply on the lips. You can use this remedy every day.

Mint leaves and lemon

Mint leaves work very well to bring back life to dry and dull lips. They hydrate the lips and make them soft naturally. Both mint leaves and lemon have bleaching properties. 

Do it yourself: Crush 5-6 mint leaves and add a few drops of lemon to it. Add a few drops of honey as well. Apply this on the lips and keep it on for some time. Repeat the remedy twice a week. 

This paste will also remove dark nicotine spots and stains. It will also correct the damage done by pollution and weather.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera does wonders on your lips. It binds moisture to your lips and makes them soft. Aloe vera is rich in vitamin E which helps in restoring moisture. Its soothing properties help in healing dry and chapped lips. It also facilitates the growth of new cells and makes lips soft. Its anti-inflammatory properties also fight irritation.

Do it yourself: Take out some Aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf. Add a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil to it. Blend it well and store it in a container in the refrigerator. You can use it as a lip balm as often as you want.

Remedy for chapped lips

There are various reasons for lips getting chapped. It can be due to overexposure to sunlight, lack of vitamins A, B, and C, less water consumption, any kind of skin disorder, riboflavin deficiency, allergy to cosmetics, smoking, or alcohol consumption. 

Do it yourself: Try these effective home remedies.

  • Stop smoking and alcohol consumption completely
  • Dip the black tea bag in warm water and place it on your lips to moisturize them
  • Massage your lips daily with almond oil or olive oil, this will make them soft
  • Apply ghee, butter, or milk cream daily at bedtime every night. This will also make the lips soft
  • Drink a lot of water to keep your lips supple
  • Honey, a natural moisturizer, heals dry lips effectively. Apply honey and leave it for some time and then wash it off. 

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