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Pumpkin Seeds : 5 Health Benefits

The crunchy and salty pumpkin seeds are one of the best seeds to snack on.

Packed with valuable nutrients, eating just a handful of pumpkin seeds can provide you with an ample quantity of fats, magnesium, and zinc. It is also a big storehouse of antioxidants, which makes it one of the most beneficial seeds.

Research says that munching on a handful of these seeds can help reduce cholesterol and lower the chances of heart disease. These seeds further aid in protecting your body against type 2 diabetes, improving immunity, and even enhancing the quality of your sperm. Recent evidence also suggests that pumpkin seeds can help in improving heart health, prostate health, and protection against certain cancers. The list of health benefits is quite long. Let’s dig deeper and find out why pumpkin seed is good for you!

Why pumpkin seed is good for you?

Well, before revealing the benefits of these magical seeds, let me tell you that these seeds are raw, unprocessed, uncooked seeds of the pumpkin fruit. This already makes it a healthy choice. They are obtained by removing the outer white cover of the seeds. The light greenish seeds inside are oval in shape and a bit sweet and nutty in flavor. 

A look at their nutritional profile says that they are super rich in antioxidants and contain a decent amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium, vitamin B2, and folate. These are rare nutrients that are very beneficial for our health. 

Check out these 10 health benefits of pumpkin seeds

1. Pumpkin seeds in diabetes

This is a superfood that can protect your body against diabetes. Being low in carbs and high in plant protein, eating this seed can help protect against type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of complications that comes with diabetes including heart health. 

Also Read: 10 Best Breakfast recipes for diabetics

2. Pumpkin seeds can boost your immune system

It’s ladened with zinc and iron, both of which are essential nutrients for our immune system. In addition to that, research shows that pumpkin seeds possess anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that can protect the body against these microbes. It has a high content of vitamin E and other antioxidants that can help maintain your immune health.

Also Read: Eating Cashews can boost your immune system.

3. Pumpkin seeds may improve sperm quality

Recent research reveals that it can aid in protecting your prostate health. Low levels of zinc are associated with poor sperm quality and an increased risk of infertility. Being rich in zinc, these nutty seeds can help support a man’s fertility. Also, antioxidants in pumpkin seeds can improve testosterone levels.

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4. Pumpkin Seeds can reduce the risk of certain cancer

Recent evidence from cancer research shows that it helps in reducing the risk of stomach, breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancers. Another study quoted that eating these seeds regularly could lower the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Research suggests that lignans present in these nutty seeds can help in preventing and treating breast cancer.

Also Read: How to overcome the fear of cancer?

5. Pumpkin seeds can Improve Your Heart Health

They are an excellent storehouse of antioxidants that help prevent oxidative damage. In addition to that, it is also rich in magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids; nutrients that boost your heart health. Clinical studies have found that these seeds can help reduce high blood pressure and aid in controlling high cholesterol levels. Other studies suggest that these seeds can increase nitric oxide generation in your body. Nitric oxide helps expand blood vessels, improves blood flow, and reduces the risk of plaque growth in your arteries. 

Also Read: Eggs and heart health: Are eggs bad for your heart?

6. Pumpkin seeds for a sound sleep

If you are having trouble falling asleep then you must try munching on these magical seeds. These seeds are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in promoting quality sleep. Zinc and Magnesium are also associated with better sleep. Studies showed that consuming these seeds regularly resulted in improved sleep. 

Also Read: Tagara for sleep wellness

7. Pumpkin seeds for healthy Bones 

It is an excellent source of magnesium, an essential nutrient for bone formation. High magnesium is associated with better bone density and consuming these seeds can decrease the risk of osteoporosis in women after menopause.

Health benefits of pumpkin seeds during pregnancy 

Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial for a pregnant woman. Just a handful of these seeds consumed every day can strengthen both the mother’s and baby’s health. This is something every expecting mother should know. Check out these health benefits of pumpkin seeds during pregnancy.

  • Rich in fiber these seeds helps clear the bowel. 
  • The iron in these seeds helps in the production of red blood cells and supports the baby’s growth. It also helps your baby develop strong teeth and bones. 
  • The zinc helps strengthen the mother’s immune system. A higher intake of zinc also prevents miscarriages, reduces the risk of low birth weight and other post-delivery complications.
  • Eating these seeds regularly during pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. 
  • Sleep troubles are often a common problem in pregnancy. Pumpkin seeds can promote better sleep naturally.
  • Being a rich source of vitamin B, these seeds can help prevent birth defects.
  • The Omega-3 fatty acids in these seeds aid the development of a baby’s brain and the central nervous system.
  • It also has natural antidepressant properties that can help prevent mood swings.

Health benefits of pumpkin seeds for toddlers

These seeds are as good for babies as they are for pregnant women. A rich source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, pumpkin seeds can help in a baby’s development. It is also one of the richest plant sources of zinc, which is an essential nutrient in growing kids.

How much raw pumpkin seeds should I eat daily? 

You can have a handful of these seeds every day which amounts to up to 30 grams of pumpkin seeds.

Do pumpkin seeds have side effects? 

Pumpkin seeds are generally deemed safe and do not cause any side effects or allergies. However, since it is rich in fiber, overeating can cause bloating and gas.

Health benefits of pumpkin seeds for dogs

That’s true. Pumpkin seeds are not only beneficial for humans but also for your pets. Their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties are beneficial for dogs. They can also help prevent intestinal parasites and allergies.

Your Takeaway!

Try this healthy snack the next time you feel like binging. It not just satiates your hunger but also gives you a power punch of nutrition!

Pumpkin seeds make an excellent snack that you can munch on any time of the day. You can also sprinkle a handful of these seeds on your salads, oats, desserts, and yogurt. Simply roasting these seeds with a pinch of salt is the easiest way to consume these seeds. 

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