What happens if we eat roasted chana daily?

Roasted Chickpeas: 5 Surprising Health Benefits

The chana was small and hard. It sat in the pan, waiting. The heat came. It was intense and unforgiving. The chana changed. It became something new. Something powerful.

You could smell it now. The aroma was nutty and rich. It filled the kitchen. It made you hungry. You wanted to eat it. But this was more than food. This was medicine.

You take one. It crunches between your teeth. The taste is good. But the health is better. Your body knows. It responds. This is fuel. This is life.

 And it is good. For your heart. For your blood. For your bones. This is the story of the roasted chana. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Chana? My dadi used to snack on that while watching her saas-bahu serials!” Well, guess what? Dadi was onto something! In our mad rush to embrace every Western superfood faster than you can say, “Baba Ramdev’s latest asana”, we’ve forgotten the powerhouse under our desi noses.

Let me break it down for you, Ayurveda style. In our ancient wisdom, we consume energy, not just food. And let me tell you, the power of a roasted chana is more potent than a Rajinikanth punch dialogue! It’s got the sweetness of your mom’s love, with just a hint of that astringent kick – like when your boss unexpectedly compliments you (you know, once in a blue moon).

But wait, there’s more! When you roast these little nutrient bombs, you must make them more crunchy to rival your favourite Kurkure. Oh no, you’re performing kitchen alchemy that would make even the legendary Nagarjuna jealous! The roasting process makes chana lighter than a Bollywood actor’s pre-shoot diet, meaning it’s easier for digestion than plain old boiled chana. It’s like turning a lumbering auto into a zippy Nano – same destination, smoother ride!

And for all you dosha-conscious folks out there (yes, I’m looking at you), roasted chana is the ultimate party snack. Raw chana might be too heavy for our Vata and Kapha friends, making them feel like they’ve eaten a whole thali at MTR. But roast it, and suddenly, it’s more inclusive than a Karan Johar movie cast!

Now, I know you won’t take my word for it. After all, we Indians need more proof than a WhatsApp forward from a distant uncle. Let’s talk science, would you like us to?  Chana is the Amitabh Bachchan of the legume world – versatile, evergreen, and packing a punch in every role.

For weight management, it’s better than your judgmental aunty’s disapproving looks at family functions. A study found that chana makes you feel fuller than a stuffed paratha without guilt! For our diabetic brothers and sisters, it’s like a traffic cop for your blood sugar – keeping everything smooth and regulated, unlike the actual traffic on Bangalore roads.

Heart health? Chana’s got your back like a loyal Bollywood sidekick, sweeping away bad cholesterol faster than a obsessive-compulsive bahu with a jhadu. And don’t even get me started on gut health. Chana fibre is like a grand Indian wedding for your gut bacteria – a celebration where everyone’s invited, and the party never stops!

But don’t just take my word for it. Let me introduce you to some of my patients who’ve joined the Chana Champions Club. There’s Nira, the software engineer who used to snack more often than a squirrel on Red Bull. Two weeks of roasted chana, and boom! She’s more satisfied than a politician after winning an election.

Then we have Manoj, our diabetic warrior. He was sceptical at first, probably thinking I was trying to sell him snake oil like those late-night TV ads. But after adding roasted chana to his diet, his blood sugar became more stable than India’s middle-order batting line-up (well, most days).

And let’s not forget Suruchi, whose tummy troubles made her avoid food like it was her ex at a family wedding. Roasted chana became her gut’s new BFF. Now she’s happier than a kid with an unattended box of laddoos!

 Roasting chana isn’t just about tossing it in a pan and hoping for the best, like how we approach most life decisions. No, no! It’s an art form, like perfectly timing when to flip your dosa. Keep the temperature moderate – around 375°F or 190°C. Any hotter, and you risk creating acrylamide, a word scarier than your mom’s stick when you misbehave.

Roast for about 20-30 minutes. You want them crunchy, not charred like your first attempt at making roti. And here’s where it gets fun – spice it up! Add some cumin or coriander. These aren’t just flavours; they’re like the Avengers of Ayurveda, each bringing their superpowers to the mix.

Dear readers. Ditch those fancy imported snacks for a week and eat our humble roasted chana. Please take a look at how you feel. Are you more energized? Less bloated? Are you able to resist the temptation of roadside chats? Your body is wiser than a group of uncles discussing politics at a tea stall—listen to it!

In this crazy world where we’re constantly chasing the next big thing faster than Usain Bolt on a race track, the roasted chana reminds us of the power of simplicity. It’s not about finding the next miracle food; it’s about rediscovering the miracles in our everyday daal-chawal life.

The chana is more than a snack. It is wisdom, roasted and salted. Ancient knowledge meets modern nutrition. In each bite, there is strength, health, and a connection. Eat it, know it, and live it. This is the way of the chana. This is the way of life.

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Danish Dad August 27, 2024 at 7:38 am

Very creatively written ;Highly informative; good work !!

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 27, 2024 at 8:05 am

thank you sir


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