Beauty Products

5 DIY Tips for Treating Acne with Rose Water

An indispensable ingredient in your beauty regime, rose water is a magical potion. A popular toner and hydrating liquid, rose water is a multipurpose beauty ingredient. The aromatic clear water offers multiple benefits, from hydrating the skin to maintaining your skin’s pH to healing acne. That’s why in this blog, I bring you some amazing DIY Rose Water tips for treating acne!

Rosewater is an ancient formula used for centuries for its healing and beautifying properties. There’s a reason why the queens bathed in rose water. It not only gave a soothing and relaxing fragrance but also helped in healing many skin problems. A favorite of the royals, rose water can relieve redness, inflammation, itch and other skin issues.

This amazing liquid is made by steeping rose petals in water or distilling rose petals with steam. It’s simple to make and you can also make your own rose water at home.

Also Read: Rose petal beverages – Healthy recipes

DIY Rose Water for acne 

Rose water is widely celebrated for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. This makes rose water an excellent remedy for acne. Spraying the mist effectively reduces the symptoms of acne breakouts. It relieves irritation and inflammation and reduces redness and pain. 

Also Read: Ayurvedic Treatment for acne

Rose Water for Treating Acne – How it works?

Rose water has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that make it an efficient anti-acne ingredient. Not only does the water help kill off acne-causing bacteria but it also helps to heal your scars and clear out your skin.

1. Aids in balancing pH levels

Excessive use of cosmetic products easily disturbs your skin’s pH balance. An imbalance in the pH levels further contributes to the growth of bacteria. Rosewater is very helpful in maintaining the right pH balance of your skin.

According to a 2018 study, your skin has a pH of 4.1 to 5.8. Rose water’s pH is typically 4.0 to 4.5. This helps in minimizing skin irritation and intolerance.

2. It’s antibacterial in nature

The research concludes that rose water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. This helps in relieving acne caused by bacterial growths. It is also effective in healing cuts, burns and scars.

A 2010 study confirmed the analgesic and antiseptic properties of rose water. Another study concluded that rose water is highly effective in killing Propionibacterium acnes. This bacterium is responsible for causing acne.

3. It removes excess oil

Rosewater is an excellent natural toner that cleanses your pores, removes excess oil and reduces your acne burst outs. It is also effective in healing acne scars. 

Studies revealed that rose water is rich in tannins and have a tightening effect on the skin. Further, this natural toner is hydrating, unlike other alcohol-based astringents. 

4. Soothes your skin

Rosewater is brimmed with anti-inflammatory properties. This helps in reducing redness, swelling and eases discomfort. Further, research revealed that rose water is rich in vitamin C and phenolics. 

This makes it a natural anti-inflammatory agent for inflamed acne. Rosewater can also lessen the redness flare-ups on your skin. It’s a natural coolant that calms your skin.

5. It’s a natural antioxidant

A 2016 study confirmed that free radicals can cause skin inflammation, blocked pores and acne burst outs. Rosewater is rich in antioxidants and can limit free radical oxidation. 

Skin is the largest organ that acts as a barrier against UV radiation, chemicals, and other physical pollutants. The antioxidants in rose water protect the skin against such damage.  

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DIY Rose Water tips

1. Rosewater for oil balancing 

Rosewater is anti-inflammatory in nature and using it chilled adds to the benefits. Wash your face and dry it with a soft towel. Moisten a soft cotton ball in chilled rose water. Dab it gently on your skin. 

This will help remove extra oil and dirt from your skin. Further, its astringent properties help tighten the pores and prevent clogging. Applying rose water at night is one of the easiest ways to remove all the impurities from your face.

2. Hydrate and restore the pH balance with rosewater

Hydration is the key to youthful and glowing skin. And rosewater is an excellent natural hydrator. It gives your skin an instant, refreshing look.

Fill a small spray bottle with rose water and spritz the mist on your face. This is a natural hydrating toner that restores your natural pH balance. Keep the bottle in the fridge for cooling refreshment. You can also use it for removing make-up.

3. Rose water for treating acne

Make a mix of rose water and lemon juice and apply it over the affected areas. Allow the mixture to sit for around 20-25 minutes and then wash it off. Since ancient times, women have used this simple trick of using rose water for treating acne.

4. Soothe tired eyes and reduce swelling using rosewater

Soak two cotton pads in chilled rose water. Close your eyes and put the cotton pads on your eyelids. Leave them untouched for 5 minutes. This will soothe your tired eyes, reduce bagginess and remove your dark circles. 

Do this regularly for 3-4 weeks for best results.

5. Rosewater for pigmentation

This amazing healing water can also help lighten your skin pigmentation. It helps in even toning your skin texture and lightens your scars, fine lines and wrinkles.

Spritz rose water on your face and neck and gently massage it onto your skin for 3 to 4 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water and it’s done. Do this every day before bed.

Also Read: 10 Easy Home Remedies for Pimples

Your takeaway!

Rosewater is an excellent but underrated beauty ingredient that works wonders. Many women use it as a toner, but there are many other benefits to this magic water. From balancing pH to calming irritation to curing acne, rose water has many benefits. And it’s a great aid for both men and women. 

Being mild and natural, rose water is very gentle on your skin. Unlike other topical treatments for acne, it does not cause irritation or side effects. In fact, rose water is very good for sensitive skin. 

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Srinivas Raitha April 9, 2021 at 7:12 am

Excellent Sir. In this scorching summer, we need it very much. Really it soothes our skin. Thank you for this amazing water.

Mr.Paramashivam September 29, 2021 at 4:26 am

this was an nice blog

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