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How Drinking More Water Can Help Women with Dysmenorrhea

Period pain, commonly known as Dysmenorrhoea, is a prevalent issue that affects countless women, disrupting their daily lives

Characterized by cramping in the pelvic area, dysmenorrhoea can cause pain in the stomach, lower back, and legs. It also results in increased uneasiness during the period days. Though many women opt for painkillers there are simple natural ways to deal with dysmenorrhoea.

Following a healthy diet and exercise regime can help in treating period pain. In addition to this, you can also try heat therapy, massage, hot bath, acupressure, and yoga to relieve the discomfort of dysmenorrhoea. But the most simple and effective way to treat dysmenorrhea is drinking water.

A study examining the role of water in treating the severity of pain and menstrual distress revealed that water intake might help in reducing menstrual bleeding. It may further reduce pain intensity during the menstrual period.

Role of water in reducing the severity of dysmenorrhea

Drinking warm water during your period is the easiest and best way to deal with period cramps. This is because you tend to lose fluids during your period which increases fatigue and muscular pain. Thus, it is important to replenish the lost fluids with water. 

Staying hydrated help with bloating supports digestion and improves waste removal which eases your discomfort and pain. Water also supports your blood circulation, improves your mood, and increases your pain tolerance capacity. It further alleviates your backache and cramps. 

Here’s how drinking more water can help treat dysmenorrhea

Reduces bloating and cramps

During your periods, your estrogen and progesterone levels are low. This causes your body to retain water which can result in bloating and cramps. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water during the day can help in fighting bloating and cramps. 

One of my patients complained of severe bloating during periods and this is very common. I recommended 8 glasses of water along with 10 minutes of light to moderate exercise. This helped in relieving her bloating. 

Treats migraine and headaches

During your periods, you tend to lose a lot of fluids, which can result in dehydration. Dehydration can increase your risk of headaches and migraines. Keep sipping warm water throughout the day to prevent headaches.

People who are already suffering from migraine should make sure to drink enough water to avoid headaches during their periods. Ragini, a 27-year-old girl had this issue, and keeping herself hydrated during the periods helped her. 

Increases urination and reduces pain

Dehydration can lead to decreased urine which can cause pain in the lower abdominal area. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water during the day can improve your urination and reduces your pain.

Reduces fatigue 

Weakness and fatigue are very common during periods. This often is a sign of dehydration. Dehydration lowers blood pressure and reduces your energy levels. Drinking water can improve your fluid balance and improve your energy levels.

Parinitha, an 18-year-old girl came to me asking for Ayurvedic medicines to relieve fatigue during her periods. It impacted her performance and affected her studies. I asked her to increase her water intake and that worked for her.

During your periods, you must keep a bottle of water handy. Squeeze a dash of lemon and tone it down with salt. In addition to this here are a few more tips to reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea.

  • Avoid alcohol during your menstrual days as alcohol causes dehydration.
  • Avoid caffeine during your periods. 
  • Drink green smoothies, ginger tea, or chamomile tea during your periods to ease the cramps and pain.
  • Peppermint tea is also effective in relieving period pain.
  • Heat therapy can help in relieving spasms and pain.
  • Studies have found that cinnamon has pain-relieving properties.
  • Exercise releases endorphins, the happy hormone which helps in easing your pain.
  • Massaging your belly for 5 minutes a day can improve your blood flow and ease the tension to feel better.
  • Yoga can help in relieving cramps.
  • A warm bath is an effective technique to relieve pain.
  • Get a good night’s sleep with aromatherapy.

Your takeaway!

Drinking warm water is a very effective remedy for dysmenorrhea. There is enough scientific research and studies to prove this. So, keep a bottle handy and keep sipping warm water throughout the day. In case the pain does not ease, you must consult your doctor.

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 How to Make Water Taste Better?- Discover Ayurvedic Tips and Tricks - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak March 29, 2023 at 9:17 am

[…] Drinking water is one of the simplest home remedies for a number of health issues including painful periods, dry skin and weight issues. Water helps in clearing toxins and keeping the vital organs […]


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