Women's Health

Shatavari: Benefits for Female Reproductive Health

Shatavari is an incredible medicinal herb that’s been used in Ayurveda for centuries. Sages believed that Shatavari could bring the blessings of fertility and motherhood to women. And centuries later scientific studies proved the miraculous effects of this herb. In this blog, I will share some of the scientific research on Shatavari.

Recent research on the Effect of Shatavari on female reproductive health concluded that it can promote fertility. That’s not it, Shatavari also has a wide range of health benefits, especially for women. It is an adaptogenic herb that improves resistance to stress and protects you against its ill effects!

Do you know stress is one of the most common factors affecting fertility?

Modern studies agree that Shatavari is an excellent remedy for rejuvenating fertility, regulating the menstrual cycle, and balancing hormonal effects during menopause. It further enhances libido and increases milk flow in breastfeeding women.

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Shatavari – a boon for women

This magical herb contains steroidal saponins that work as an estrogen regulator. It helps in regulating menstrual cycles, manage PMS symptoms, alleviate menstrual cramps, and control blood flow. Further, Shatavari may help in fluid retention and uncomfortable bloating during periods.

It’s been used in Ayurvedic medicines for thousands of years without any recorded side effects. And now modern researchers too have agreed to these benefits. Here are some of the research that proves Shatavari’s efficacy in female reproductive health!

Research on Shatavari In Female Reproductive Health

Improving female fertility

A review study suggested that Shatavari can help in improving hormonal imbalances and treating PCOS. It is rich in phytoestrogens which casts an estrogen-like effect on the body. 

Shatavari is also helpful in treating depression and mood swings that come along. Mood swings are a common thing during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. It not only spoils the mood but makes simple interactions difficult. Taking Shatavari on a regular basis on a doctor’s recommendation can help in handling mood swings.

Being a rich source of anti-oxidants, Shatavari also helps reduce oxidative stress. Studies say it is very helpful in managing hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), follicular growth and development, oocyte quality, and infertility. 

Managing menopausal symptoms

Research says that this herb can help in easing menopausal symptoms. Scientists identified the plant’s phytoestrogens, which are biochemicals with estrogen-mimicking properties. These phytoestrogens are especially important in menopause. 

Menopause is the time when the female estrogen levels decline and these plant-based chemicals can act like estrogen. Thereby relieving the common menopausal symptoms. A small-scale study established its efficacy in reducing hot flashes and night sweats. 

In another study, researchers administered Shatavari in perimenopausal and menopausal women. They gave 6gms/day in two divided doses with milk for 10 weeks. The results revealed significant improvement in bone formation and bone resorption. Yet another study revealed that this herb helps in minimizing the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Also Read: Foods to eat in menopause – healthy eating guideline

Correcting sexual dysfunctions

In a 2008 animal study, Shatavari significantly improved symptoms of sexual dysfunctions and improved sexual performance. In addition to that, it has amazing anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects. 

Shatavari increases blood flow, boosts energy levels, and helps in correcting vaginal dryness. It is a potent libido enhancer that naturally improves sexual performance. Many call this herb a natural Viagra for women!

Curbing stress boosts fertility

Experts agree that psychological stress disturbs reproductive health. It induces oxidative stress which affects the physiology of the ovary, and oocyte quality and causes female reproductive health disorders.

This incredible herb is one of the best ways to treat this. Shatavari is a rich source of antioxidants and Ayurvedic doctors often recommend it for treating stress-impacted infertility.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy

Research suggests that Shatavari is a boon for pregnancy and motherhood. This herb is a galactagogue that boosts breast milk production. It helps in the mother’s milk secretion for infant growth. 

A randomized double-blind clinical trial revealed that oral administration of Shatavari led to a more than three-fold increase in prolactin hormone levels. However, further research is needed to establish the pharmaceutical use of this herb. 

Further, studies revealed that it helps in relieving various postpartum symptoms. Shatavari is an effective natural remedy to post-partum depression, hot flashes, constipation, and insomnia. Also, this herb is safe to be used during and after pregnancy.

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Shatavari – A wonder drug for women’s health

Thus, we can say that Shatavari is no longer just an Ayurvedic herb used in the traditional way of treatment. Rather scientific evidence has established it as a hormone balancer and breast milk booster that can be used as a supplement. 

Further, Shatavari can make the transitions of a woman’s life from puberty to adulthood to motherhood to menopause, a smooth ride. It is safe during pregnancy, a great aid during puberty, and a savior during menopause. Further, Shatavari is a boon for increasing libido and enhancing immunity.

It works well in treating many common gynecological disorders suffered by most females in the present scenario. This ultimate stress buster heals, protects, and nourishes a woman’s health in many ways. 

Ayurvedic texts also mention its rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. With increasing interest in the subject of Ayurveda, holistic healing, and natural remedies, I am sure more research will crop up to support these claims in the near future.

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