Ayurvedic Medicines

Sheetasudha: An Ayurvedic Syrup for Dehydration Relief in Summers – Amazing benefits for Hydration and Health

Sheetasudha is an amazing Ayurvedic formula that keeps the body cool and hydrated during the summer. It is very beneficial in relieving excessive body heat.

This cooling sherbet is made of khus Khus and sugar. Ayurvedic doctors recommend it for treating burning micturition. It’s also an excellent remedy for excessive thirst and dehydration.

Also Read: 10 Ayurvedic tips to survive summer fatigue in India

Benefits of Sheetasudha

  • Sheetasudha helps in treating burning sensations.
  • It is effective in relieving painful and burning urination.
  • Can cure excessive thirst problems.
  • Effective in curing dehydration.
  • The syrup helps maintain fluid imbalance in the body.
  • It can heal mouth ulcers.

Also Read: Health benefits of Rose Petal Beverages

A case study

The scared mother came rushing to my clinic carrying her child in her arms. The girl was probably fourteen-year-old. She was in her school uniform with mud in her shoes. The shirt was sweaty and the hair untidy. The girl was half-conscious and she was panting. 

The mother was paranoid, she could not stop crying. I asked her what happened to her daughter. She said that her daughter has been complaining of headaches for a few days.

After school, she just eats lazily and heads off to bed. She neither goes out to play with other children nor attends her tuition. She started skipping all the other classes that she happily enrolled in

Today, it was their annual sports day in school but she was in no mood to go. But we forced her to attend the event. It feels like my little girl has lost all her interest in everything. Last year she won three medals. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I am really worried.

Last week, I met her friends they said she never goes to the toilet and drinks so less water in class. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I am having sleepless nights.

My observations

The girl barely had the strength to answer her mother, she gestured her thirst. I checked her pulse; her eyes were red and her skin was pale and dry. She was dizzy.

I knew it was another case of dehydration creating havoc in their house.

Ayurvedic treatment for dehydration

I prescribed Sheetasudha of Shree dhootapapeshwar limited.

Sheetasudha has been used for centuries to treat issues related to dehydration. It is safe, and effective, and does not cause any side effects. This natural coolant is very effective in restoring fluid balance in the body.

Along with this, I advised her to drink enough water throughout the drink. In addition, I recommended she ate foods high in water. Water Melon, Cucumber, Mint Water, and Lemon juice are good choices.

Coconut water is another excellent summer beverage.

Also Read: 10 super simple coconut water recipes

How to use it?

Take 3 teaspoons with a glass of water or milk


  • This medicine is not suitable for diabetics as it contains sugar.
  • Children, pregnant mothers, and lactating mothers should consult the doctor.
  • Keep in a cool dry place out of reach of children.


Studies on herbal coolant

This study investigates the use of indigenous herbal coolants to combat heat stress in the hot Indian arid zone. The research examines the traditional use of herbal remedies in the region and evaluates their effectiveness in reducing heat stress through laboratory and field trials. The results show that certain herbal remedies can effectively reduce heat stress and provide a low-cost, readily available solution for local populations in the hot Indian arid zone.


In conclusion, Sheetasudha is an effective remedy for summer problems. Fatigue, burning urination, dizziness, and fluid imbalance are common in summer. Thus, keeping this Ayurvedic syrup handy shall help for sure!

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Srinivas Raitha March 15, 2019 at 4:27 am

Need of the hour. Scorching Sun troubles us enormously. Thank you so much for your timely article.

Dr.Seetharam Prasad March 15, 2019 at 6:14 am

I too prescribe Shetasudha since the company brought it to the market and it is one of the choisest prescriptions of mine…

Manoj March 15, 2019 at 3:42 pm

Thank you for the information Doctor. I have come across a few cases but most of them go to specialty hospitals and they sometimes take time to diagnose and effectively treat some cases. A lawyer friend had the same problem recently and he was admitted for 4 days in hospital. Thanks once again for this very useful information

Shweta March 15, 2019 at 4:53 pm

Most required and useful informationat this point of hot summer. it’s of course that parents get panic any simple circumstances with their kids.
Doctors like you always simplify the complexities.
Thanks a lot for the information

Anuradha March 15, 2019 at 5:00 pm

Sheetasudha is a natural coolant and is best for dehydration and fluid imbalance due to scorching heat. It can also be used as a preventive measure against disorders that arise from extreme heat.

Dr Usha March 15, 2019 at 5:01 pm

Rehydrating hopes in dehydrating weather…..your write ups are always in right time Sir. Thank you…..

Naina March 16, 2019 at 1:09 am

Thank you for the information on dehydration and remedy.

Naina March 16, 2019 at 1:10 am

Thank you for the information on dehydration and remedy as sometimes I too suffer from dehydration.

Dr.Somashekhar March 16, 2019 at 3:45 am

Brahma….it’s true I m also using Sheetasudhaa for patients complaining of…Body heat..which you can not explain in medical term..
It’s also useful in UTI…related disorders… for Piles patients it’s good…. any way thanks for valuable article

Dr bhavya s March 16, 2019 at 3:46 am

Your write ups are like very interesting stories with good medical information Sir …

Dr.shashi March 16, 2019 at 4:15 am

So nice. I will try sheetasudha now onwards. summer and coolant articles are timely.

Dr.Somashekhar March 16, 2019 at 4:15 am

Brahma it’s very nice medicine…I am using this for urinary tract infections for years
Thanks for the good information…

AlekMadhan victor A March 16, 2019 at 10:08 am

That’s really amazing article, thank you so much for the useful information DR I will spread the news across and about the awareness, thank you again


Kashyap March 16, 2019 at 12:08 pm

Doctor not only timely but worth ton of gold to many who run their imagination leading to nervous breakdown. Your inputs are valuable.

Ajay March 16, 2019 at 12:28 pm

Diagnosis and treatment explained very clearly in a story format… Very informative and nice write up

Anuradha March 16, 2019 at 1:49 pm

Good case study. Sheeta Sudha is a very good product.

Srikanth Rao March 16, 2019 at 2:35 pm

Super case presentation
Ayurveda doctors should advise the above medicine as a part of daily regimen starting from Ugadi up to rainy season.Even I have tried it’s usage successfully in cases of burning micturition and the unique ayurvedic concept of heat

VANITHA G March 16, 2019 at 5:45 pm

Nice timely write up Sir , your write ups are always interesting and informative.. it brings down all imaginary fears in us… Thank you for your Nobel job Dr.

Vanitha March 17, 2019 at 4:41 pm

Message to all mothers.. interesting write-up.. hope everyone can use this as coolant for this summer.. thank you sir

Dr Ravishankar March 18, 2019 at 8:14 am

Dear Sir, the article is very much relevant now. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common bacterial infections, especially in women and children, frequently treated with antibiotics. The alarming increase in antibiotic resistance is a global threat to future treatment of infections. Therefore, Ayurvedic therapies which contain natural ingredients loaded with anti inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties are urgently needed. Sheetasudha contains Vetiver as a key ingredient is very much helpful. The innate immune system plays a fundamental role in protecting the urinary tract from infections. And as suggested by you few life style changes are very effective to control these types of infections…

Vadiraj March 18, 2019 at 9:12 am

Sir, this is the best remedy to stay ” THANDA THANDA COOL COOL” in this summer


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