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Spotting Egg White Discharge? Understanding What it Means and What to Do Next

Vaginal discharge is normal and it’s a sign of good health!

In fact, having white discharge is an essential part of your reproductive system. White discharge that is thin and has a mild odour is a sign that your vagina is healthy. However, the colour and consistency of your white discharge can be an indicator of your health.

It is also very common to spot white discharge during the early stages of pregnancy. Because this discharge is stimulated by the hormone estrogen, the colour and consistency keep changing constantly. The appearance, texture, and smell of this discharge can provide insight into your vaginal health, fertility, and more. 

That’s why it is very important to understand what your discharge is trying to tell you.

During the menstrual cycle, milky white discharge indicates that the body is gearing up for ovulation. Greyish-white discharge with a foul smell or clumpy milk-white discharge can be a sign of vaginal infection. Egg white discharge appears when you are fertile. A yellow-greenish discharge can be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection. The greyish discharge could mean bacterial vaginosis. Pinkish discharge can be a sign of vaginal irritation or cervical bleeding. 

Read on to know more about egg white discharge.

Understanding white discharge

White discharge, in most cases, is regulated by the hormone estrogen. As you approach ovulation, your estrogen levels begin to surge. This causes your cervix to secrete more mucus which is clear and stretchy which is similar to egg whites. It is a perfect protective medium for sperm in terms of texture and pH. This actually improves your chances of conceiving.

Egg-white vaginal discharge

Egg white discharge appears like a raw egg. The discharge is stretchy and slippery and has no colour or odour. This discharge is very common among women of all ages and can have different meanings.

Egg White Discharge Before Period

During your peak fertile years, egg white discharge is a very common sight. If you spot this discharge weeks before your period then it means you are ovulating and this is the perfect time to try for a baby. 

During ovulation, your body produces this egg-white discharge to help you get pregnant. The stretchy white discharge creates a friendly environment for the sperm. It helps the sperm survive for a long time in your body and also helps in carrying the sperm to the cervix.

Egg White Discharge After Ovulation

Usually, the production of cervical mucus is at its lowest after your period. Some women report ‘dryness’ during this time. However, during the next days, you might spot more mucus which is more likely to be yellow, cloudy, or white in colour. It is also sticky to the touch.

Egg white discharge a few weeks after ovulation can also be a sign of early pregnancy. However, egg white discharge after ovulation is very common and it may not always indicate pregnancy. You must pay close attention to your discharge as it can be a sign of vaginal infection too.

Egg White Discharge in Early Pregnancy

Many women experience white discharge in the early phases of pregnancy. In fact, many women say that it was the earliest sign of their pregnancy. Usually, in early pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases in volume, but sometimes it may resemble your discharge around ovulation. Thus, it might be a bit confusing to tell if you are pregnant just by checking your white discharge.

If you have recently engaged in unprotected sex and noticed egg white discharge a few weeks after ovulation. Then go for a pregnancy test if you miss your period. 

Egg White Discharge after Menopause

Egg white discharge is not only an indication of ovulation or early pregnancy, but it can also occur after menopause. You may see large amounts of clear, slippery discharge after menopause. Usually, vaginal discharge reduces after menopause because of lower amounts of estrogen. But if you maintain your hormone levels with a good lifestyle, then white discharge may be normal.

But watery discharge after menopause can be a sign of vaginal infection. Mucus serves as a protector against vaginal infections. That’s why vaginal infections become more common after menopause when the vagina is dry. Thin watery discharge that’s usually grey in colour can indicate a vaginal infection.

Egg white discharge is a serious sign

Though it is very uncommon, egg white discharge after menopause can also be a sign of something serious. Reports say that clear discharge after menopause can be a sign of endometrial cancer.

Endometrial cancer usually occurs in women after the age of 50. It is more common between the ages of 60 and 70. In addition to white discharge, you must also check for abnormal vaginal bleeding, painful intercourse, and painful urination. In case, you spot these symptoms consult a doctor immediately.

Milky White vs. Egg White Discharge

People often confuse milky white discharge with egg white discharge. Milky white discharge occurs before ovulation and it is sticky and milky in appearance. But, egg white discharge is stretchy and transparent like water. Egg white discharge occurs when you get close to ovulation.

How to check your white discharge?

You must check your white discharge regularly in order to keep a tab on your fertility and vaginal health. You can either insert a finger in your vagina or reach as close to the cervix as possible. Check the mucus by tapping your fingers. You can also check your panty or use a tissue to clean your vagina.

How to treat low white discharge?

Insufficient production of cervical mucus can lower your chances of fertility. It can also increase your risk of vaginal infections. That’s why it is very important to treat vaginal dryness. 

Vaginal dryness can result from a variety of factors including diet, stress, hormonal issues, or medications. Here are a few tips to treat your vaginal dryness and increase the production of white discharge –

  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Follow a nutritious diet and take a dietary supplement.
  • Wear clean cotton panties of breathable fabric.
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep. 
  • Practice yoga and meditation to distress.
  • Trying these lifestyle modifications can increase your fertility naturally.

Your Takeaway!

Cervical mucus, also known as white discharge plays a crucial role in maintaining your vaginal health. It creates a conducive environment for sex and reproduction. This mucus is also very important in reproduction as it nourishes and protects the sperm in its journey through the female reproductive tract.

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