
The Incredible Anti-Aging Benefits of Coffee

A fresh hot cup of coffee is all we need to drag through the tough day. The amazing aroma of the coffee beans sparks fires up the brain awakening the genius in you. But there is more that this aromatic brew does. Check out the natural anti-aging benefits of coffee that are proven by research.

My mornings don’t start without a hot cup of filter coffee.

It’s the refreshing brew that opens my eyes and washes away all the left-over sleep.

And I am sure, it’s not only me who runs on coffee.

Coffee is a popular beverage worldwide. (Remember the ‘dolgana coffee challenge’?)

Most people vouch for this drink as an energy booster.

But there is another realm rising for this amazing brew. Coffee is trending as a natural remedy for anti-aging. Thanks to the antioxidants like polyphenols that help in fighting free radicals. It’s the harmful free radicals responsible for premature aging. 

Researchers say coffee is good!

Recent studies revealed that coffee in limited quantity is actually good for health. It not only boosts energy and metabolism but can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. A study quoted that caffeine protects the liver against fatty deposits. 

The polyphenols in coffee have anti-oxidizing properties. 

This prevents the oxidation of DNA, proteins, and lipids and thus prevents the onset of cancer.

Studies are linking coffee to reduced risk of liver, colon, and prostate cancer. 

A study found that decaffeinated coffee helps increase locomotor activity and energy expenditure. It also improves food and water intake. Coffee drinkers also tend to have better insulin resistance. Thus, it can help curb the risk of type 2 diabetes.

New research from Japan quoted the anti-aging benefits of coffee consumption. 

You already know the brain-stimulating properties of coffee. But coffee also improves one’s cognitive functions. It also helps in beating depression and lowering suicidal feelings. Several US-based studies quoted that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of death by suicide.

Coffee in cosmetics

Have you heard about the famous coffee face packs and scrubs?

There is a lot of kitchen stuff that works wonders for your skin.

Eggs, Lemons, Yogurt, Milk, Turmeric, Honey, and Coffee!

Many people swear by the brown beans for their fresh glowing skin. 

The simple DIY body scrub of coffee, sugar, and olive oil is the ultimate remedy for cellulite. It tightens your skin making it look young and radiant. Coffee and milk face masks work well in removing dead cells. Thereby, it restores the natural glow of your skin. 

The rich anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory actions of coffee work magic on the skin. 

These benefits of topical application of the brown powder are proven by generations. Modern research says even the intake of coffee can bring down your wrinkles and fine lines. It can make you look and feel 30 at 40.

Also, Read The secret of looking 20-something even in your late 30s.  

Amazing Anti-ageing benefits of coffee 

Study says that coffee increases adenosine triphosphate levels and decreases plasma-free fatty acid levels. These markers are associated with anti-aging benefits. Researchers say that coffee can reduce the risk of many age-related chronic disorders.

Type-2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia to name a few!

Do you know it’s the telomeres that determine a person’s cellular age? 

Telomeres are caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes. It’s like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. So, these caps protect each strand of our DNA. The amazing fact is that the longer our telomeres are the less aged our cells are.

A 2015 study found that higher coffee consumption is associated with longer telomeres. 

Coffee consumption is proven beneficial in numerous ways for older people. It works magic when it comes to aging or age-related diseases. Coffee attenuated the fibrosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Heavy coffee intake decreased the risk of severe depression in middle-aged men. Drinking three to four cups of coffee a day decreased mortality by 24% for 40- to 69-year-olds. 

Isn’t that amazing?

Another shocking study says that three to five cups of coffee a day reduces your risk of premature death by 15%. 

All of these studies point towards one simple fact!

  • That coffee has amazing anti-aging benefits. 
  • It contributes to the prevention of age-related diseases. 

Some experts claim that the combination of antioxidants and caffeine makes it a perfect anti-aging solution. 

Also Read: Coffee drinkers are more likely to live longer

Age young with caffeine

Caffeine is the main active ingredient in your coffee.

And caffeine shows some powerful anti-aging properties. 

The aesthetic benefits of caffeine for your skin are already proven.

I mean, it’s a well of anti-oxidants and that sweeps the age off your face!

But this time it’s the health parameters related to age that scientists are digging into.

New studies show that caffeine consumption contributes to a longer, healthier life. 

Caffeine protects the body against chronic inflammation—a condition that usually happens as we age. 

And inflammation is the culprit for all age-related degenerative diseases. 

Alzheimer’s, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and heart problems – can be caused by inflammation due to aging!

A Stanford University study verified caffeine’s effects on aging and inflammation. The study noted that many diseases that we associate with aging are actually diseases of inflammation. It concluded that consuming caffeine helped protect the body against the effects of inflammation. 

A 2012 study researched caffeine’s role in lifespan. It suggested that caffeine can reduce insulin signaling, and cause people to eat less, and these are two important factors for a longer and healthier life. Since caffeine is loaded with antioxidants, it can play a role in slowing down the visual signs of aging too

Coffee Makes You Look and Feel Good!

These brown anti-aging beans must be present in every kitchen!

Drink it, rub it, or make it into a pack. 

But make sure to have enough of it every day. 

A study shows that Japanese women who drank coffee had significantly fewer pigmented spots.

Pigments and skin aging are caused by many factors including UV exposure and smoking. 

Researchers pointed out that the polyphenols in coffee protect the skin from aging. Polyphenols can modify the gut microbiome, and protect against oxidative stress. It can also prevent DNA damage and UV radiation-induced inflammation.

Plus, it’s an amazing mood enhancer. When your mood is good, you automatically look better!

Also Read: How many cups of coffee should you drink daily?

Anti-aging benefits of coffee – Note it from an Ayurvedic Doctor

As I told you all in the very beginning, I am a coffee connoisseur!

I gulp down 3-4 cups of coffee a day, guilt-free.

But people around me thought drinking coffee to be an unhealthy habit.

And many of you might be living in this myth too!

Drinking coffee in moderation is not unhealthy.

In fact, it’s a very healthy choice of drink if you drink it right.

Which means not drowning the coffee in sugar and dairy or artificial sweeteners.

You can go for black coffee for the best anti-aging benefits!

And you can switch the sugar with jaggery as it’s a better and healthy alternative.

My wife trusts her coffee dose more than any cosmetics for her natural glow.

And I can vouch that something’s working right!

So, if you don’t already have those little pouches of coffee in your house then it’s time to stock it. 

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Srinivas Raitha February 23, 2023 at 2:20 pm

I am proudly telling that I become a coffee lover because of you since many years. Thanks a lot.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak April 4, 2023 at 6:13 am

Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that my love for coffee has inspired you to become a coffee lover as well. Coffee is not only a delicious and comforting beverage, but it also has the potential to offer a range of health benefits and bring people together.

As a coffee lover myself, I know that there’s something special about that first sip of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee in the morning, or enjoying a warm cup with friends or family. It’s a little ritual that can help start the day on a positive note or provide a welcome break during a busy day.

I’m grateful that I have been able to share my passion for coffee with you, and I hope that you continue to enjoy all the delicious and wonderful things that coffee has to offer. Here’s to many more years of coffee enjoyment and discovery!

Chandrika Gururaj February 23, 2023 at 7:10 pm

Wonderful topics to read in your blog posts always Dr ! The aroma of hot cup of coffee is so welcoming especially in winter !

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak February 24, 2023 at 7:52 am

thank you madam

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak April 4, 2023 at 6:11 am

Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad to hear that you enjoy reading my blog posts! I agree, there’s nothing quite like the comforting aroma of a hot cup of coffee, especially during the chilly winter months. It’s the perfect way to warm up and start the day on a cozy note.

Coffee is not just a tasty and comforting beverage, it also has several potential health benefits. Studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption can help reduce the risk of various diseases, including type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and even some types of cancer.

Of course, as with any food or beverage, moderation is key. Too much coffee can lead to negative side effects such as jitteriness, increased heart rate, and difficulty sleeping. It’s important to find a balance that works for you and to enjoy your coffee in a way that supports your overall health and well-being.

In addition to the health benefits, coffee is also a great way to connect with others and build community. Whether it’s meeting a friend for a chat over coffee or enjoying a warm cup with family, coffee has a way of bringing people together and creating memorable moments.

So, the next time you enjoy a hot cup of coffee, take a moment to savor the aroma and appreciate all the benefits and joy that it brings to your life.

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