What happens when you drink coconut water for 7 days?
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The Power of Coconut Water Fasting

Recently, Indian Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi made headlines for completing an 11-day coconut water fast as part of a Hindu special ritual in the run-up to the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla. This unique fast, involving abstinence from solid foods and relying solely on coconut water for sustenance, piqued my interest from both a cultural and medical perspective.

In this blog, I’ll explore the origins of coconut water fasting, its purported health benefits, and whether there is any scientific evidence to support incorporating it periodically.

 A Bit of Background

Coconut water fasting has been practiced in various tropical regions of the world for centuries as part of religious rituals or community traditions. In Ayurveda and other traditional Indian medical systems, coconut water is revered as a health-promoting fluid that gently cleanses the body.

Origins in Ancient Scripture

References to coconut water fasting appear in the sacred Hindu texts, with stories of ancient yogis subsisting on this nectar from coconuts gathered high atop trees. Specific fasting rituals involved drinking only coconut water while meditating or engaging in spiritual self-reflection.

Modern Revival

More recently, the popularization of yoga and Ayurveda globally has sparked new interest in coconut water fasting. Figures like Honourable PM Modi who manages demanding leadership positions while still adhering to ancient rituals are also renewing attention. For those who grew up in tropical locales, drinking coconut water brings a sense of nostalgia and connection to culture.

 Breaking Down the Components

Fresh, raw coconut water is the ultimate low-calorie, nutrient-rich beverage. Inside the hard outer shell lies a cavity filled with clear liquid that nourishes the white flesh and lining.

As an isotonic solution, coconut water contains an identical concentration of electrolytes and minerals to human blood plasma. It offers calories from natural sugars and enzymes but almost no fat or protein.

Compared to many juices or sports drinks that derive sugar from high-fructose corn syrup, coconut water has a light, sweet taste from bioavailable sucrose, fructose, glucose, and Vitamin C.

Let’s examine why each constituent in coconut water supports health.

Electrolytes to Hydrate 

Potassium – Critical for nerve signaling, metabolism, and heart health

Sodium – Needed to maintain fluid balance and blood pressure

Magnesium – Calms muscles and nervous system

Calcium – Essential for bone density and strength  

Vitamin C – Antioxidant that aids collagen formation and immunity

Cytokinins – Plant hormones that may have anti-aging effects

Enzymes – Improve digestion and gut microbiome diversity

With such an impressive nutrient panel, it becomes clear why coconut water fasting has endured over generations and across continents. But what does the latest research reveal about potential therapeutic effects?

 Evaluating the Evidence

Advocates and skeptics alike rightfully ask whether going days at a time with no solid sustenance does more harm or good. As a physician, I always weigh whether any protocol has adequate safety and efficacy data before making recommendations.

Most published studies on coconut water fasting are limited to animal models or very small samples of human subjects. We cannot definitively conclude that enduring health improvements will occur. However, certain key findings emerge.

Blood Sugar Control

A randomized trial in type 2 diabetics found that consuming coconut water daily for two months reduced fasting blood sugar by 54 points on average compared to a control soda group. Researchers attribute this glycemic benefit to the presence of arginine, an amino acid that spurs insulin secretion.

Blood Pressure & Cholesterol  

In multiple rat studies, significant decreases in hypertension, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol were observed in groups treated with coconut water compared to control groups. Human trials remain limited, but the consistency of cardioprotective effects in animal models is intriguing.

Antioxidant Status

High antioxidant capacity gives coconut water the ability to tackle damaging free radicals circulating throughout the body. In studies of rats with experimentally-induced liver damage, coconut water attenuated oxidative stress and reduced injury to cells.

Kidney Health

Researchers recently demonstrated that regular coconut water consumption not only hydrates rats but also reduces kidney crystal and stone formation while supporting normal histology and function. These findings suggest a promising role in preventing renal issues.

While animal data continues accumulating, I hope that more human clinical trials get underway soon to confirm therapeutic effects. In the meantime, we have ample historical precedent on the safety of coconut water fasting from spiritual traditions.

 Who Can Benefit?

Assuming one takes necessary precautions (see next section), here are some examples of individuals who may derive unique benefits from incorporating periodic coconut water fasts.

Cultural Practitioners

Those seeking a deeper connection with their heritage and belief systems may choose to fast during designated religious holidays or before important rituals. Coconut water can facilitate the contemplative process.

Gut Restorers

Fasting gives the GI tract a reprieve from constant digestion, allowing inflammation to subside so the gut lining can regenerate. Coconut water nourishes intestinal cells without overburdening the system.

Cell Revitalizers

Periodically depriving cells of their usual incoming nutrients taps into repair and rejuvenation pathways through a process called autophagy. Coconut water provides just enough sustenance to sustain the fasting process without blunting associated benefits.

Health Optimizers

For individuals already pursuing lifestyle measures like a whole foods diet, regular exercise, and stress management, occasional coconut water fasting may offer that extra push toward better blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative status.

Now that we’ve reviewed the origins, mechanisms, and evidence around this unique ritual, let’s explore best practices for those who choose to give it a try while prioritizing safety.

 Best Practices

Implementing an extended fast centered solely around coconut water entails preparation, self-awareness, and a cautious approach based on your health status.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you manage any chronic medical conditions or take routine medications, discuss fasting plans with your physician beforehand. Also, disclose prior issues with disordered eating.

Take It Slow

Begin with shorter 24-48 hour coconut water fasts before attempting longer durations of 7-11 days. Pay attention to energy, mood, and hunger cues. Break your fast at the first sign of unwellness.  

Supplement Wisely

While plain coconut water sufficiently sustains brief fasts, certain individuals will require additional support over several days for health reasons. In those cases, adding a pinch of sea salt and multivitamins to your daily intake aids the regulation of blood pressure, blood sugar, and electrolytes.

Stay Hydrated

Given its hydrating properties, coconut water may serve as your sole beverage during a fast. However, remain attentive to thirst and drink additional plain water as needed between one liter of coconut water servings.

Rest & Restore

Arrange your work and social obligations to allow ample time for extra sleep, light yoga, meditation, and self-care during the fast. Conserving physical exertion given caloric expenditure will prove taxing.

Break Slowly

When it comes time to start eating again, keep meals small and gradual. Begin by introducing soupy broths, cooked grains, and roasted vegetables before resuming a full diet high in fiber and protein. Allow several weeks between extended fasts.

 The Takeaway

While more rigorous clinical evidence continues accumulating on various fasting methods, ample historic and early scientific support exists for the potential benefits of coconut water fasting over the short term. By taking reasonable precautions and approaching this ritual as a periodic cleansing practice rather than a response to weight or body image concerns, individuals may safely follow in PM Modi’s recent footsteps.

What resonates for you about this ancient tradition turned modern wellness trend? Are you inspired to give coconut water fasting a try (under medical supervision)? Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments below!

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Naina January 23, 2024 at 9:37 am

Thank you Doctor!
I never knew the benefits of coconut water fasting, I always like to drink it.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 24, 2024 at 7:41 am

Hey Naina! So happy you discovered the wonders of coconut water fasting! Your enthusiasm is fantastic, and it’s awesome that you’re already a coconut water fan. Next time you’re in India, consider trying the “fasting” options like sacrificing Veena Stores idli-vada, MTR lunch, CTR masala dosa, Rameshwar Cafe ghee idli, and the list goes on. When’s your next India visit? I’ll be your daily coconut water supplier! 🥥😄

Chandrika Gururaj January 23, 2024 at 12:54 pm

It was definitely very interesting to see PM Modi do this and also inspire all of us to research about it You writing about this and the explanation is very helpful to us all . Thank you Dr 🙏🏼😊

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 24, 2024 at 8:03 am

thank you

Dr.Gayathri January 23, 2024 at 2:56 pm

Very informative and hopefully many will follow this in making Swasth Bharath mission sucessfulI..

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 24, 2024 at 8:04 am

thank you


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