Touch Starvation
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Skin Hunger: How Touch Starvation is Affecting Our Physical and Mental Health and How to Combat it

Touch starvation is a real thing!

This is proven by research that shows touch deprivation is a real problem. Studies show that touch deprivation can lead to mental and physical health issues.

From loneliness to depression to anxiety and pain, touch deprivation can lead to several issues. It’s not just limited to mental health issues but can also impact your blood pressure, heart rate, sleep problems and more.

The healing effect of touch is often seen in soothing an agitated baby or consoling a dear friend. Skin contact has a calming effect on the nervous system. It boosts dopamine and oxytocin production, reduces heart palpitations and improves healing and decreases pain. 

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What is touch starvation?

Touch starvation is a condition in which you are deprived of physical touch. This does not only include sensual touch just a simple handshake or a pat on the back can also feed your skin hunger.

Research shows that pleasant human touch triggers your brain to release a hormone called oxytocin. This is a happy hormone that uplifts your mood and lowers your anxiety and fear and strengthens your social bonds.

This issue of touch starvation has witnessed a steep rise because of the pandemic and the increasing use of social media. Both of these factors are impacting social life and is resulting in increased cases of mental health issues!

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Touch starvation effects

Touch starvation can often result in heightened stress, anxiety and depression. This results in higher cortisol levels which can cause increased heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and heavy breathing. 

It can also affect one’s immune system and disrupt the digestive system. In addition to that, touch starvation can also worsen your sleep quality and hamper your relationships. Research further shows that long term touch starvation can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder.

A different individual can react to this touch starvation in different ways. For example, a child who suffers from touch deprivation can react with anger or aggressiveness. They often grow up with trust issues and poor social skills.

In adults, it often manifests as low self-esteem, signs of depression, loneliness, complications in relationships and other issues.

What are the symptoms of being touch starved?

One of the most common symptoms of touch deprivation is definitely a low mood. In addition to that, the most common symptoms of skin hunger include- 

  • Feeling loneliness
  • Feeling depressed
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Low relationship satisfaction
  • Sleeping trouble

Touch starvation research

Research reveals that physical touch can contribute to mental and physical wellness. Another study stated that a simple touch can reduce the perceptions of loneliness. 

Research suggests that gentle touch can activate the orbitofrontal cortex part of the brain. This part of your brain is responsible for emotional and social behaviour. It is also responsible for your learning and decision-making skills.

A system of nerve fibres in our body that exists to recognize gentle touch. These nerve fibres stimulate pressure receptors and transport this signal to the vagus nerve. These signals can slow the pace of the nervous system and trigger a calming effect immediately. That’s why doctor often recommends skin-to-skin contact with a newborn baby. Research has proven that this could be very crucial in building healthy relationships.

This skin-to-skin contact acts as a natural antidepressant serotonin and boosts the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. A 2017 study revealed that gentle touch can help combat pain and reduce the feelings of social exclusion.

How to cure touch starvation?

While the simplest way to cure touch starvation would be boosting your relationships and feeding your skin with a gentle touch, in most cases this might not be feasible. With more people adopting the city life and living alone in far off lands, especially in this COVID era, touch deprivation can be very common. 

Here are a few effective ways to deal with touch starvation –

Snuggling with a pet – A gentle touch does not always have to human touch. Snuggling with your pet can also have a similar effect on your brain. Research has shown that petting a dog or a cat and spending time with them could prove to be an effective therapy.

Try visiting a salon – Whether you opt for a hair spa or a body massage by a professional, the gentle strokes of their hand is sure to feed your skin hunger. It is relaxing, calming and has ample benefits. So, next time you feel touch-deprived, just book a salon session.

Tuck in some blankets – Wrapping up in a blanket or cuddling with a pillow can also bringyou some comfort as it mimics the sensation of receiving a hug. Research shows that this can help people feel calm and at peace. They also fall asleep faster when they hug a pillow.

Try some self-massage – Massaging the back of your neck can stimulate the vagus nerve which in turn can help reduce stress and make you feel at ease. Self-massage has many benefits and is often recommended in Ayurveda.

The treasure of memories – Research says that just by recounting a previous encounter of physical contact with a loved one. This helps your brain release endorphins and creates a pleasant and relaxing feel in your mind.

Communications and connecting – Regular contact with friends and family through texts,messages, phone calls, or video calls can also have a positive effect on your mind. Research shows that just listening to the voice of your mother can help release oxytocin in your brain. This also helps in combating the feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

Singing or dancing – Any form of exercise is an excellent stress-buster. Dancing not only helps maintain your weight but also helps manage your mood. It releases happy hormones in your body that uplifts your mood. Similarly singing too is an excellent stress buster.

Your Takeaway!

Touch starvation is a real issue that’s witnessing a spike in numbers and it’s important to spread awareness about it. 

Skin hunger refers to a sense of longing for physical contact. Humans are social creatures, and touch plays an important role in development and communication. For some people, the deprivation of human touch may result in negative mental health effects.

People can try different methods to mimic the sensation of human contact or try other means to promote positive mental health, such as exercising and regularly communicating with loved ones.

If a person is experiencing adverse mental health effects due to touch starvation, they should try to seek help.

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I never knew this doctor, Many thanks .

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