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Turmeric and Prostate Health: How this Spice Can Improve Your Well-being

Prostrate Hypertrophy, also known as an enlarged prostate gland, is a very common condition among men above the age of 60.

Though prostrate hypertrophy is not life-threatening, it can be bothering. The most common symptoms of an enlarged prostate are – waking up in the night to pee, frequent urge to pee, not emptying the bladder completely, and difficulty in peeing.

If left untreated, prostate enlargement can cause urinary tract infections and issues in the bladder and kidney. Of all the natural therapies studied for treating prostate enlargement, researchers found that turmeric is very effective.

Turmeric For Enlarged Prostate

The staple household spice, turmeric, contains a compound called curcumin, that gives this spice its magical powers. Researchers found that curcumin has potent antioxidizing and anti-inflammatory powers. Both acute and chronic inflammation is the root cause of many health problems – including prostate enlargement.

It is the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric that can help in treating an enlarged prostate. The antioxidant properties help protect your cells against damage. In addition to that, the spice’s primary active component, curcumin, has antibiotic properties. 

Studies on turmeric for enlarged prostate

In one study, a group received a daily dose of curcumin. Researchers found that curcumin has an inhibitory effect on the dihydrotestosterone that affects the prostate. The study concluded that turmeric could assist in reducing the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Another study quoted that turmeric is one of the best remedies for relieving the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. It helps in reducing urinary symptoms in men and improves urinary ease and frequency. This spice also helps in reducing prostate size, fighting inflammation associated with prostatitis, and helps in managing pelvic pain. 

Researchers found these men who consumed turmeric had fewer symptoms, improved urine stream, and better quality of life. Studies concluded that curcumin could help in reducing the effect of certain compounds that lead to prostate enlargement. 

Turmeric for prostate cancer

Further studies also revealed that turmeric can help in preventing prostate cancer. A more recent study found that curcumin nanoparticles have powerful anti-cancer properties. The antioxidants in turmeric help in fighting free radicals. Studies also indicated that curcumin has chemopreventive qualities. It can inhibit the progression of cancer cells in the prostate. 

A study researching the effect of turmeric on an enlarged prostate found that men taking turmeric experienced improved prostate gland symptoms and decreased urinary tract infections. 

How to Get More Turmeric?

Turmeric is a common ingredient in Asian cuisines. However, you do not have to cook curries to have turmeric. You can add turmeric to salads, tea, smoothies, and other dishes. You can also sprinkle this spice on your oats or make turmeric tea. Turmeric supplements are also available, but it is always advisable to have them in the organic form.  

To conclude

Turmeric is a proven remedy for many health issues including prostate enlargement. However, before starting with turmeric supplements, it is advised to consult your doctor. Also, people with hypersensitivity to turmeric should avoid it. It should also be avoided by patients suffering from gallstones or bile duct obstruction. 

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