Preventive Health

Condoms 101: Types, Benefits, and Proper Usage Tips

This one might come as a shocker to many of you. An Ayurvedic doctor talking about condoms. But trust me it’s more than often I find myself answering the question – Which condom is the best?

People often come to me, asking varied questions about sex and condoms. So, in this blog, I will talk all about condoms. All you want to know, all that you need to know. The benefits of condoms, various types of condoms, and research on condoms. And find the answer to Which condom is the best!

Sex is important. It is natural.  It is a great distress. It is an effective anti-depressant. It makes the hormones gush. And it has ample of benefits.

Sex and Ayurveda

Ayurveda has never shied from the topic of sex. The sages discussed sexual diseases, aphrodisiacs, and the importance of sexual pleasure. This talks about the broad mentality of our ancestors when it came to sex.

Vajeekarana is one of the eight main branches of Ayurveda.

Sex is an integral part of our life. It is more than a means to procreate. In sex lies love, fulfillment, wholeness, and pleasure. Ayurveda has always emphasized the importance of the right sex.

Ayurveda has also highlighted the importance of sex education.

Also Read: The right time for sex education in children

The history of condoms

Though condom seems like a 21st-century thing, the first use of condom dates back to the 16th century. In the 16th century, condoms were used to protect against STDs. And since the 18th century, people began using it to prevent unwanted pregnancy

But in the 19th century, American moralists denied its benefits. They attacked condom use as immoral. It was to promote abstinence until marriage. That’s why for the most part of 19th-century condom was a hush-hush thing. 

Also, the fact that there was much modesty around the topic of sex, made condoms a secret affair. Even today the word ‘condom’ can raise eyebrows in some parts of the globe. But some part of the world has recognized its importance and emphasized it as a must-have for safe sex.

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Which condom is the best?

Condoms are much more than preventives for accidental pregnancies. Condoms are the first life of defense against STDs, HIV, and STIs. They are a must for anyone who is sexually active.  But many people did not like to use condoms as they found them to be a barrier to their sexual pleasure.

Hence several companies came up with different variations of condoms. Condoms stimulate the senses and enhance sexual pleasure for both him and her. Here is a look at some of the most popular condom variations:

1. Latex Condoms

Latex Condoms is a natural form of rubber used to make most condoms. These are easy to find and stretch to accommodate a wide range of sizes. But with latex, there is a high probability of breakage or slippage. 

2. Thin and Ultra-Thin

These are made from thinner-than-average latex. People love it because it allows for more sensation without compromising safety. However, many people also lean on the other side. They prefer thicker condoms because the decreased sensation allows long duration.

Research has shown that thin and ultra-thin condoms can provide a more natural feeling during intercourse, which can enhance pleasure for both partners. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men and their partners reported higher levels of satisfaction with ultra-thin condoms compared to standard condoms.

However, it’s important to note that thinner condoms may also be more prone to breakage or slippage. In a study published in the International Journal of STD & AIDS, researchers found that ultra-thin condoms had a slightly higher failure rate than standard condoms.

Additionally, a study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that ultra-thin condoms did not provide any additional sensation to the penis when compared to standard condoms.

3. Flavoured Condoms

The most popular are the flavored condoms that come with tastes and aromas. Most people love flavored condoms for oral sex. Several flavors like mint, orange, banana, strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla create a sensation.

Many of the condom brands promoting flavors are FDA-approved for strength and protection.

Research on the use of flavored condoms has primarily focused on their potential role in promoting safe sexual practices among young people. A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that the use of flavored condoms was associated with an increased likelihood of condom use among young people who have oral sex.

Another study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that the use of flavored condoms was associated with increased condom use among young women who reported having anal sex.

It is also worth noting that some research has also been conducted on the safety and suitability of flavored condoms. A study published in the International Journal of STD & AIDS found that flavored condoms were not less likely to break or slip during intercourse compared to non-flavored condoms.

However, some researchers have raised concerns about the safety of the flavoring agents used in condoms, as they are not regulated by the FDA.

Overall it’s important to consider that flavored condoms are not as widely available as non-flavored condoms and they are not always recommended for vaginal intercourse because of the sugar content in the lube. It’s best to use them only for oral sex. 

4. Textured Condoms

Textured Condoms are also known as ‘ribbed for her pleasure’ condoms. These condoms are shaped and textured to increase friction and pleasure during sex. The uneven surface causes stimulation in the right places. This further increases the sensations.

While buying textured condoms, it is important to ensure that the brand is FDA-approved. It should provide adequate safety.

Research on textured condoms has primarily focused on their potential role in enhancing pleasure during sexual intercourse. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men and their partners reported higher levels of pleasure and satisfaction with textured condoms compared to smooth condoms.

Another study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that textured condoms were associated with increased sexual pleasure for both men and women.

However, it’s important to note that some people may not like the feeling of textured condoms. A study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that some men and women found textured condoms less comfortable compared to smooth condoms.

It’s also worth noting that textured condoms have not been found to be any more or less likely to break or slip during intercourse compared to smooth condoms.

It’s important to consider that the use of textured condoms is a matter of personal preference, and it’s recommended to try different types of condoms to find the one that fits best and provides the most pleasure.

5. Pleasure Shaped

The pleasure-shaped condoms tend to be looser with enlarged, pouch-like tips. It has wider tips that allow for more friction. It is designed to stimulate nerve endings. This heightens sensitivity for both women and men.

Research on pleasure-shaped condoms, also known as anatomically shaped or contoured condoms, has focused on their potential role in enhancing pleasure during sexual intercourse. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men and their partners reported higher levels of pleasure and satisfaction with anatomically shaped condoms compared to regular condoms.

Another study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that anatomically shaped condoms were associated with increased sexual pleasure for both men and women.

However, it’s important to note that not all people may find pleasure-shaped condoms more comfortable. A study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that some men and women found anatomically shaped condoms less comfortable compared to regular condoms.

It’s also worth noting that pleasure-shaped condoms have not been found to be any more or less likely to break or slip during intercourse compared to regular condoms.

6. Climax Control

As the name suggests, it makes the penis head less sensitive, thereby increasing the duration of sex. It is a good option for men having problems with premature ejaculation. But those who don’t have any such problem don’t find it appealing. 

Research on climax control condoms, also known as delay condoms or prolongation condoms, has focused on their potential role in helping men to last longer during sexual intercourse. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who used climax control condoms reported a significant increase in the time to ejaculation compared to men who used regular condoms.

Another study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that men who used climax-control condoms reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction and better control over their ejaculation.

However, it’s important to note that not all men may find climax control condoms effective. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that some men reported no difference in the time to ejaculation when using climax control condoms compared to regular condoms.

Also Read: Health Risks of Casual Sex

Which condom is the best condom?

The ones I have listed are not the only varieties of condoms but they sure are the most famous ones. There are several other varieties as well that come with their own set of pros and cons. 

I often get this question from many of my patients if there is a doctor’s recommended brand or type for a condom. Well, there isn’t. The condom is a very personal thing and hence the preference of the type of condom is also a personal choice. 

The only thing to make sure in picking the condom is that it is FDA-approved for protection. Condoms should be able to protect against unwanted pregnancies and protection against STDs. 

Research on which type of condom is the “best” is inconclusive as it largely depends on individual preferences and needs. There is no one type of condom that is considered the “best” for everyone.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men and women reported higher levels of pleasure and satisfaction with textured and anatomically shaped condoms compared to regular condoms. However, some people may not like the feeling of textured condoms and find anatomically shaped condoms less comfortable.

Another study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that men who used climax control condoms reported a significant increase in the time to ejaculation compared to men who used regular condoms. But it’s important to note that not all men may find climax control condoms effective.

It’s important to remember that the most important thing is to use a condom that fits well and is comfortable for you and your partner.

Condom size

Condom size is an important factor in ensuring proper fit and maximum effectiveness. Research has shown that using a correctly sized condom can increase pleasure and decrease the risk of breakage or slippage. According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the most commonly available condom sizes in the United States are between 7.25 and 8.12 inches in length and between 3.62 and 4.13 inches in width. However, it’s important to note that these are just averages and men may require condoms of different sizes. It’s recommended to check the size of the condoms you’re using to make sure they fit well.

Benefits of condoms

Condoms are a very important part of sex. It makes pleasure protected and stress-free. Check out some of the amazing benefits of Condoms –

1. Condoms for Birth Control

Condoms are not only highly effective but also inexpensive, accessible, and readily available. Further, condoms are simple to dispose of and do offer long-lasting sex play. Using a condom can also enhance sexual pleasure by reducing the anxiety of infection or pregnancy.

2. Condoms to Stop STDs

Condoms are proven to prevent the spread of STDs. It prevents the exchange of body fluids. Sexual fluids like semen, genital discharge, or infectious secretions are the primary routes of transmission for sexual infections. 

3. Condoms and Bacterial Infections

Condoms also offer protection against sexually transmitted bacterial infections. Including chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis. Hence, it is very important for people in open relationships to use condoms. 

4. Condoms and Viral Infections

HIV is one of the most dreaded sexually transmitted diseases. And research shows that condoms can contain their spread. Condoms are also effective against viral infections. Hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus 2. These are transmitted by semen, urethral fluids, and genital sores.

Sexual pleasure during intercourse with or without condoms 

Research on sexual pleasure during intercourse with or without condoms has shown mixed results. Some studies have found that sexual pleasure is not significantly affected by the use of condoms, while others have found that the use of condoms may decrease sexual pleasure.

A study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that the majority of participants reported no difference in sexual pleasure with or without condoms. Another study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that the use of condoms did not significantly affect sexual pleasure for either men or women.

However, other studies have found that the use of condoms may decrease sexual pleasure. A study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that men and women reported decreased sexual pleasure with the use of condoms. Another study published in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy found that some men and women reported decreased sexual pleasure with the use of condoms due to decreased sensation.

It’s important to consider that the use of condoms is important for protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. While the use of condoms may affect sexual pleasure for some people, it’s important to weigh the benefits of condoms in terms of sexual health and safety.

It’s recommended to try different types of condoms and lubrication to find the one that fits best and provides the most pleasure. And also communicate with your partner about how to use condoms to enjoy a safe and satisfying sexual experience.

Efficiency of condoms

Condoms are highly effective in preventing pregnancies and protecting against STDs. Most reports of condom failures are the result of inconsistent or incorrect usage. It’s hard because of the quality of condoms. 

In most cases of condom errs, it’s because of faulty use. In one study, 40 percent of young men wore the condom in a way that left no space to ejaculate at the tip. 15 percent take off the condom before intercourse. The actual breakage rate is less than 2 percent. 

Also, people often blame condom breakage to shift the responsibility for an unintended pregnancy to a “faulty” contraceptive. In reality, most people who use condoms in the right way do not experience breakage or slippage. 

How to use a condom?

To enjoy the maximum benefits and security of condoms, it is important to use it in the right way. 

Here are a few tips you can follow or cross-check to ensure that you are doing it right

  • Always check the expiry date on the product package before picking it. 
  • Open the box carefully and avoid using teeth or scissors.
  • Roll the condom when the penis is erect and wear it for the whole duration of sex. This is to protect against STDs.
  • Roll the condom in the right way. The rim should be outside. 
  • Pinch the tip of the condom and place it on the head of the penis.
  • Leave a little space at the tip to collect the semen.
  • Carefully come out and take the condom off without spilling the semen. 
  • Dispose of the condom in the dustbin. Do not flip the condom and reuse it.

Things you must know about condoms

Losing erection while wearing a condom

This is very common. If this happens then you should change the condom. Take the condom off, and once the penis gets hard to roll on a new one.

Wearing two condoms for double protection

You should never use more than one condom at a time. Using two condoms offers less protection than one. The friction weakens the material and increases the chances of condom breakage.

Storing the condom in the right way

People mostly care about hiding condoms than storing it right. But proper storage is important. Store the condoms in a cool, dry place away from d direct sunlight.

Don’t keep them in your pocket, car, or bathroom for long periods of time.

Don’t hesitate some extra Lubrication

Though most condoms come pre-lubricated, you can definitely use a safe lubricant over it. Don’t use an oil-based lubricant in latex condoms, like Vaseline, lotion, baby oil, butter, or cooking oils. Oil damages latex condoms and may cause them to break.

Three condom materials

Condoms are typically made from one of three types of materials: latex, polyurethane, or polyisoprene.

  1. Latex: Latex condoms are the most common type of condom and are made from natural rubber. They are highly effective in preventing pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are also relatively inexpensive and widely available.
  2. Polyurethane: Polyurethane condoms are a good alternative for people who are allergic to latex. They are made from a type of plastic and are considered to be as effective as latex condoms in preventing pregnancy and STIs. They are also a little bit thinner than latex condoms.
  3. Polyisoprene: Polyisoprene condoms are made from synthetic rubber and are a good alternative for people who are allergic to latex. They are considered to be as effective as latex condoms in preventing pregnancy and STIs. They are also a little bit thinner than a latex condom                               

Do condom expiration dates matter?

Condoms have an expiration date, which is the date until which the manufacturer guarantees that the product will remain safe and effective to use. It’s important to check the expiration date before using a condom, as expired condoms may be more likely to break or fail.

Condoms are typically made of materials that are designed to last for a long time, but over time, the materials can degrade and become less effective. Exposure to heat, light, and air can also cause the condom to degrade.

The expiration date is usually printed on the packaging or the individual wrapper of the condom. If a condom is past its expiration date, it should not be used.

It’s important to store the condoms in a cool, dry place, and away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing condoms in your wallet or car, as the heat and friction can cause them to degrade more quickly.

You should replace the condoms if the packaging has been damaged or opened, if the condom is stuck together or brittle, or if it has passed its expiration date.

Condoms can reduce the risk of herpes risk?

Condoms can reduce the risk of herpes transmission, but they do not provide complete protection. Herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, and it can be present in the infected person even if they do not have any visible symptoms.

Research has shown that condoms can reduce the risk of herpes transmission. A study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that consistent condom use was associated with a 30% reduction in the risk of herpes transmission.

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that condoms were effective in reducing the risk of herpes transmission among people who used them consistently and correctly.

However, condoms do not provide complete protection against herpes because the virus can be present on skin that is not covered by a condom.

It’s important to be aware of herpes symptoms and to use condoms consistently and correctly, as well as communicate with your partner about their sexual health status, in order to reduce the risk of herpes transmission.

It’s also important to note that herpes can be spread through oral sex as well, so it’s recommended to use barrier methods such as dental dams during oral sex to reduce the risk of herpes transmission.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional if you suspect you have herpes or have been exposed to it, as antiviral medication can help reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.

My words of advice

Like any other life skill, it’s the practice that will make one perfect in the use of condoms. So, it’s a good idea to keep one around and to use it every time there is a sexual encounter.

You can also practice putting a condom even if you are not sexually active, just to make sure you don’t mess things up! Becoming a pro even before you become sexually active makes it much easier to use it correctly.

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