BEST AYURVEDIC DOCTOR IN BANGALORE EXPLAINS Why is Communication important in Marriages

Mastering the Art of Communication: Why it’s Critical for a Successful Marriage

Open and healthy communication in marriages is the key to a happy and healthy life.

Several studies have confirmed that effective communication is the foundation of a strong marriage. Psychologists studied communication in marriage and found that happy couples communicate differently.

In a survey, it was found that 70 percent of people believed that communication is the most important factor in a happy marriage. The same survey also revealed that lack of communication is the most common cause of divorce and infidelity. Experts agree that communication is the key to a happy marriage.

Communication in a happy marriage 

In a healthy marriage, couples feel free to talk openly and they are equally eager to listen. They feel safe, warm, and unjudged while sharing their thoughts. Happy couples handle their disagreements in a much more tactful way. They often appreciate each other and show gratitude in their words. Recent studies have proved that gratitude improves psychological and physical well-being and promotes closeness in relationships.

After talking, both people in the marriage feel good about the conversation and feel like their concerns have been considered and addressed. They even look forward to the opportunity to talk with each other, whether about small things or bigger issues that require much work to resolve.

Communication in a crumbling marriage 

Sometimes, staying under one roof does not necessarily mean effective communication. Many failed marriages fail because of poor communication. It’s because the couple fails to listen to each other or they listen to respond rather than to understand.

Importance of Communication in a Marriage

1. Communication instills interest

In many marriages, couples drift away from each other when the bridge of communication breaks. Having long, deep, and meaningful conversations display affection and strengthen your relationship.

2. Communication helps you understand better

Talking and listening to the verbal as well as the non-verbal words helps in establishing a better understanding of each other. This helps in laying the foundation for a happy and peaceful relationship. 

3. It builds trust, honesty, and respect

Honest heart-to-heart communication in marriage strengthens trust and builds respect. Sometimes, it might seem difficult to speak honestly and even harder to listen to it. But there is always a right way of saying things and working on your communication skills can help.

4. It strengths your connection

People often complain of fading romance after marriage, and that’s mostly because of a gap in communication. Couples who start off on the same page often end up on different pages, and somewhere in between, they lose the connection. Expressing your feelings and emotions with your spouse can help rekindle the romance.

5. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Communication is important but it is also most often the hardest thing to do. While most couples have a desire to communicate, they fail to find the right words or end up making the common mistakes:

6. There’s no ‘Me’ in a Marriage

A marriage is a two-way road and communication cannot be centered around just one person. Even though society emphasizes the importance of attending to a man’s needs, listening to a woman is equally important, and vice versa. Know about each other’s interests and make an effort to keep the communication interesting and open.

7. Shouting is not a way of communicating

Every marriage goes through highs and lows. But shouting, disrespecting, abusing, or insulting your partner is never an acceptable way of communication. If something is bothering you or disturbing you or making you angry, then it’s always a good idea to take a time break. Let the temper cool off and then communicate your feelings in a logical way.Every marriage goes through highs and lows. But shouting, disrespecting, abusing, or insulting your partner is never an acceptable way of communication. If something is bothering you or disturbing you or making you angry, then it’s always a good idea to take a time break. Let the temper cool off and then communicate your feelings in a logical way.

8. Never ever compare or compete

This is one of the silliest mistakes that most couples make and it has ruined many relationships. It is more often seen in couples with similar professional backgrounds or working in the same office. A better way of communication would be saying words of encouragement and extending support to your spouse.

9. Nagging and taunting are a no-no

Negativity in communication could lead to a toxic relationship. No one likes to be nagged or taunted or be told about their weaknesses in a sarcastic tone. It hurts and is painful. If you really want your partner to listen and make a change then be polite, gentle, positive, and encouraging.

10. Listen before leaping to conclusions

Most conversations go stray when one leaps to a conclusion even before listening to the other. Assuming things and cooking up stories is often a breeding ground for misunderstanding. So, speak clearly and let your spouse speak. Clear communication can help avoid a lot of fights.

11. Stop the Blame Game

In a marriage, it’s quite possible, that something has gone wrong almost every single day. As such, if you play the blame game, then every day your home would turn into a battlefield. So, learn to let go and encourage your partner to do the same. Mistakes can happen sometimes and in a healthy marriage, you find ways to mend the mistakes.

12. Don’t be defensive

Open communication also means that your partner shall feel comfortable talking about things bothering them. This could sometimes include you and your flaws. If your partner is saying something he or she does not like much, then be open to criticism rather than getting defensive. A happy marriage also means working on yourself and bringing out the best version of each other.

Communication in Marriage – Tips to get it right

1. Be Respectful

No matter what the conversation is, always make sure to convey your words respectfully. Be a good listener and show your partner that you respect him or her. Ask for their opinion and make them feel included in your life.

2. Be Tolerant

A happy marriage is not one without adjustments or sacrifices. It is more about making those adjustments happily. Real marriage would definitely have its challenges and being tolerant of each other will make the ride a lot easier. 

3. Be specific when you talk

Expecting your partner to understand your thoughts or feelings is absurd and non-practical. It is rather smart to convey your thoughts with words, directly and specifically. Being direct also helps build trust and makes communication much easier. 

4. Talk more and talk often

Regular conversations are essential to keep a marriage on track. Even if you are too busy or too tired, just a few words of compassion can help lift the mood and strengthen the relationship. No matter what you talk about, even if it’s just silly banter, communicating every day is essential. 

5. Be attentive when conversing

Keeping the TV on in the background or peeping at your phone while talking is a big turn-off. Making eye contact with your partner or touching them in a conversation displays that you are being attentive. Also, avoid one-word responses and contribute to the conversation.

Your Takeaway!

Communication is very crucial in a happy marriage. But it is not going to improve overnight. It takes effort, commitment, and dedication to build this bridge where couples can communicate positively and also live through peaceful silences. Once the bridge is built, the rest of your life is as beautiful as you want it to be!

Also Read:

What is an ideal marriage template?

7 secret ingredients for a happy marriage

How to handle quarrels in a marriage?

Why divorce rates are increasing in India?

How to make your wife happy – 8 TIps

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