top ayurvedic doctor from bangalore writes Why is Maida bad for health?
FoodHealth Tips

Maida: The Health Risks of this Refined Flour and How to Avoid It for Better Nutrition

Health enthusiasts are keeping their hands off Maida, the white flour.

Maida is the chemically processed wheat flour that’s been stripped of all nutrients. It is also high in calories, increasing the risk of weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and elevated cholesterol.

Today, most of the food items, especially fast and processed foods or Western foods are made of Maida. Be it pizza, pasta, noodles, or burgers, they are all made of Maida which just provides empty calories. 

Why is Maida bad for health?

1. It has a high Glycaemic index

Maida has a high glycaemic index of 71. It also contains twice the calories of unprocessed wheat. Prolonged and regular consumption of Maida can cause inflammation, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes. Thus, it increases the risk of diabetes due to a high glycaemic index and increases the risk of obesity.

2. It raises your bad cholesterol

Eating Maida can raise your bad cholesterol levels. This increases your risk of obesity and high blood pressure. Maida can also result in clogged arteries and disrupted blood sugar levels. The empty calories in Maida do not feed the hunger thus leaving you with more cravings. 

3. It can cause digestive problems

Maida is harmful to your digestive health. It has low fiber content and high-calorie content, which makes it difficult to digest. Hence, it slowly congests your body, slows down your metabolism, and can even lead to constipation and other related issues.

4. Maida can lead to heart problems

Consuming Maida can increase the risk of heart-related problems. It also increases the risk of clogged arteries and increases the chances of a stroke. Maida cannot make you feel fuller for longer thus, increase your cravings and calorie intake.

5. Maida may increase the risk of Chronic Disease

Maida or white flour can increase the risk of many modern-day chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol, headaches, inflammation, and pains. It is also acidic in nature which can deplete the calcium levels of the body and cause chronic illness of the heart.

6. Maida may contain harmful chemicals

Food items made with refined flour can contain hazardous chemicals like Sodium Meta Bisulphate (SMBS) and Benzoic acid. These chemicals can be dangerous for pregnant ladies and kids.

7. Causes digestive issues

It is also called ‘glue of the gut’ which has no fiber content and causes congestion and high acidity. It also slows down the overall digestive system further leading to obesity, stress, indigestion, and constipation. 

8. Maida may cause inflammation

Foods made from Maida can release sugar into the bloodstream because of the high glycaemic index. This can result in a surge in blood sugar levels and cause inflammation. Thus, resulting in arthritis, cataract, high blood pressure, and heart ailments. 

9. Maida is acidic in nature

Maida is acidic in nature and regular intake of Maida creates acidity in the body which in turn pulls out the calcium from our bones and negatively affects our bone density. Experts even say that the problem of acidic foods could be the reason for arthritis.

10. Maida can cause obesity

Maida is high in calories and low in fiber. This makes it easy to digest and absorb which leaves you craving for more food. It also slows down your metabolism and makes you feel lethargic.

11. It can cause anxiety and depression

Various studies have linked high consumption of refined flour with anxiety and depression. It also causes obesity, lethargy, and overeating, which can further result in mood disorders and depression.

12. Better alternatives to Maida Flour

Maida is present in most of the foods that are available today, from cookies to biscuits to noodles and pizza, they are all made of Maida. Thus leading a Maida-free life could be a bit tricky. Here are a few alternatives that you can try –

Your Takeaway!

Maida or white flour is not the perfect choice for a healthy diet and it should not be a part of the regular diet. However, enjoying a bit of it once in a while is not a sin. But make sure to burn those calories with a good workout!

Also Read:

Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases

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Danish May 16, 2022 at 11:12 am

Excellent and useful article

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak May 16, 2022 at 12:37 pm

thank you sir

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