Ayurvedic Medicines

10 Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine: Why You Should Consider It for Your Health

Honestly, there are more than a million reasons ‘Why you should try Ayurvedic medicines’. But the decades of negative portrayal and myths around its magic smeared the reputation of our ancient medical culture. The sceptics and cynics have doubted the effectiveness and safety of Ayurvedic practices for eons.

Science too proves that Ayurveda is one of the best forms of medicine. 

Ayurveda is more of a lifestyle, rather than a symptomatic treatment. It has a holistic approach to health that helps restore balance in your body. Today, Ayurveda is the most preferred treatment option across the globe for long-term relief without side effects. 

Ayurvedic Medicines – The most trusted system of treatment

The ancient treasures of Ayurveda have a 5000-year-old history for efficacy. Most of Ayurvedic texts are at least two to three millennia ago. So, all the Ayurvedic remedies are time-tested for generations. There are thousands of testimonies to verify their safety and efficacy! 

Ancient sages used 100% herbal and natural ingredients for making Ayurvedic medicines. Hence, they are completely free from any adverse effects. It’s true, some formulations use naturally occurring metals, but they are safe under doctor’s recommendation. 

Research says Ayurvedic medicine may provide more permanent and holistic relief when compared to modern medicines in certain ailments. Ayurvedic treatments for infertility, diabetes, arthritis, pain relief, stress relief etc. are gaining ground across the globe!

10 Reasons to trust Ayurvedic medicines

1. Ayurveda Is A Comprehensive Cure

Modern medicines focuses on symptom management. They suppress the symptoms rather than correcting the underlying impairment. This may provide quick relief but fails to offer a permanent solution.

Also, modern medicine fails to consider the long-term impacts of the medicines. This is one of the biggest factors for which people are now turning to Vedic healing.

An ayurvedic doctor follows a detailed process of understanding the individual before prescribing any medicines. The Ayurvedic practitioner studies the patient. Based on all these factors, Vaidya designs a very individualistic treatment. Thus, Ayurvedic treatments offer comprehensive cures.

2. Ayurveda Treats All Diseases as Psycho-Somatic

Ayurvedic philosophy says no disease is 100% physical or psychological in nature.

Ayurveda believes that an individual’s mental and physical state are interlinked. Hence, Ayurvedic treatment always involves understanding the mental conditioning and physical manifestations. For example, stress can be a cause of pain or fatigue. Depresson can be the cause of loss of appetite, sleeplessness or indigestion. 

However, modern medicine always segregated the mind and body into different compartments. But recent researches are inclining towards the Ayurvedic philosophy. That most diseases are psychosomatic in nature!

Also Read: Psycho-neuro-immunology: How to use your mind to heal your body?

3. Every Medicine in Ayurveda Acts as A Tonic 

Every Ayurvedic formulation has more than one benefit. The natural ingredients in Ayurvedic medicines help the body heal in a number of ways. Most ayurvedic medicines act as complete rejuvenators. They provide essential nutrients to the body, promote restorative properties and provides holistic nourishment. 

In short, all medicines in Ayurveda aim to restore equilibrium in the body. 

4. Ayurvedic Medicines are free of Side Effects

The biggest threat to treatment is the side-effects!

Recent researches on the use of modern medicines revealed their dangerous side-effects. From mild headaches to brain damages, the side-effects of modern medicines are grave. Also, other major issues cropping up are drug dependence, drug abuse, drug resistance. 

Ayurvedic medicines are safer as compared to modern treatments. Sages prepared it from herbal and natural ingredients that have no toxicity. Thus, these naturally occurring elements are less likely to cause side-effects when taken under a doctor’s supervision in proper dosage and duration. 

5. Ayurvedic Medicines Are Affordable 

Modern treatments are expensive. Even the small ailment in a big hospital can make a burn a hole in your pocket.  That is one of the reasons why India is turning into a hub for medical tourism!

People from all across the world are now more willing to embrace Ayurveda. The simple and natural healing remedies are not only safe and effective but also affordable. With scientific researches backing Ayurvedic practices, people are gaining perspective on the importance of an Ayurvedic lifestyle in the prevention and management of diseases! 

6. Ayurveda Has a Rich History and Legacy

Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old system of traditional healing. Thus, Ayurvedic formulations have been tested and tried for generations. Thus, the life-time impact of an Ayurvedic drug is well-documented for more than a thousand cases. This is much longer than any of the clinical trials for any modern medicine. 

7. Ayurvedic Medicines Are Scientifically Verified 

Contrary to popular belief Ayurvedic medicines are research-backed. Many Ayurvedic formulations like Chyawanprash, Ashwagandha, Turmeric Milk, are tested and verified in modern labs. You will find more than ten thousand researches in Ayurveda conducted in the last 80 years. 

There is enough scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines. To date, all the medicines tested for their traditional claims have stood the scrutiny of scientific research. This has established Ayurveda as a scientifically verified medical system

Though there is a need for the more substantial research, so far, the results on Ayurvedic trials have been very positive.

8. Ayurveda Is A Dietary Regime and Lifestyle

As I already said, Ayurveda is not just an ancient stream of medicine, it is a lifestyle. In Ayurvedic treatment, great emphasis is given on the diet and lifestyle. Based on the physical condition, medical history and individual Dosha, specific diet regimes are recommended. This helps strengthens the immune system and quickens recovery.

Though most people think it’s hard to follow an Ayurvedic diet or lifestyle, it’s actually very easy. Simplicity is the key to a healthy mind and body. Be it in the choice of food, thinking or actions. Ayurveda brings back the age-old principle of simple living.

9. Ayurveda Improves your Immunity System 

The ancient stream of medicine focuses on preventive care. Ayurveda guards your body against the onset of chronic diseases and disorders. Rasayanas, Kadhas, Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Ayurvedic practices helps boost immunity and fight pathogens. 

Ayurvedic practices can also reverse cell damages. Thus, they can be effective in reversing age and preventing deadly diseases like cancer. Ayurveda emphasizes improving the overall vitality of the person and making him less susceptible to diseases.

10. Ayurveda Against Covid-19 Pandemic

Ayurvedic medicines are very effective in treating modern diseases like swine flu and Nipah virus. Ayurvedic immune boosters and kwathas were at the forefront of India’s efforts to combat the pandemic. India ranks amongst the least affected nations when you consider the ‘Number of people affected per million of the population’.

Preliminary researches proved that Ayurvedic formulations have high efficacy. Experts say Ayurvedic immune boosters have helped India contain the spread of the covid-19 pandemic

Ayurvedic Medicines – The future is the integrated cure!

New research is cropping up on the efficacy and safety of Ayurvedic medicines. The whole world has turned to Ayurveda to prevent, manage and cure diseases. Modern medicine too suggest meditation and yoga in treating chronic diseases.

Thus, the day is not far when Ayurvedic medicines would lead the way to holistic treatments.

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1 comment

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[…] These cases involve individuals who engage in excessive sexual activity, which can be physically and emotionally draining. This can lead to an imbalance in their daily lives and an obsession with sexual pleasure. They may use various stimulants or seek new drugs to enhance their sexual experiences. Some may also be influenced by peer pressure or societal expectations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and depression. They may seek treatment in the form of aphrodisiacs or Ayurvedic medicines. […]


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