
6 Reasons Why Walking Isn’t Helping You Lose Weight?

Walking is the best exercise, but does it help in weight loss?

Many studies have confirmed that walking 30 minutes every day can help in weight loss. But over the years, many people came to me complaining that their walking regime isn’t working. 

So, what’s going wrong?

Researchers say it is probably one of the two things. 

Firstly, you are overcompensating by eating more for those extra steps. When you start walking after years of a sedentary lifestyle, you feel an increase in your appetite. Eating unhealthy snacks can lead to further weight gain rather than weight loss. The calculation is simple, for weight loss the calorie intake should be less than calorie burning.

Secondly, your body got too comfortable with your walking regime. When your body adapts to this new workout regime, it becomes less efficient. That means walking at the same pace and intensity for the same distance will burn fewer calories over time. Thus, making your walking regime less effective in weight management.

There are a few more reasons why your walking routine isn’t working. Read on –

Walking and Weight Loss

Weight loss is 80% diet 

Most people fail to achieve their weight loss goals because they forget to take care of their diet. Weight loss doesn’t mean eating less, rather it is about eating right. Avoid salty and sugary foods; processed and packaged foods. They are devoid of nutrients and are high in calories. 

Eat foods high in proteins and fibre, they not only deliver the essential nutrients to your body but also keeps you fuller for longer. Millets are excellent for weight loss. Eating fibre-rich foods like fruits and green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds can help in achieving satiety and weight loss.

Walk don’t ramble

For your walking program to deliver desired results, it should be intense. Most people prefer walking in groups, gossiping, and talking. As such most of their attention is not on their walk or their body. Walking in the wrong posture or walking mindlessly can also impact your results.

You can increase the pace of your walk or add weights to your back, change the route and climb a hill or add more miles to your walk. It is best to walk alone or with a group focused on their goals. 

Add a check on sugary beverages

Sugary beverages like cold drinks, caffeine, or even packaged juices are loaded with sugar. Even drinking one can of cola every day is equal to taking eight spoons of sugar.

Cut down your beverage intake with healthy alternatives like water, buttermilk, kokum juice, lemon water, herbal teas, black coffee, or natural fruit juices that you extract at home. Buttermilk is an excellent beverage that aids in weight loss.

Check your sleeping routine

Several studies have shown that poor sleep routine is a cause of obesity. People who work the night shift or binge-watches shows at night or enjoy active nightlife are more prone to weight gain. It also increases your choice of unhealthy binges.

Researchers say that enjoying an uninterrupted sleep regime for eight hours every night is very crucial for your mental and physical health. It helps you make better decisions, motivates you to stick to a routine, and aids in weight loss. In addition to sleep, you should also manage your stress.

Are you working a desk job?

People who work at a desk job are more prone to leading an overly sedentary lifestyle. This makes it harder to lose weight. Sitting at a desk for 8 to 9 hours every day makes the body sluggish. 

Because of the strenuous routine, such people hardly find time to join the gym or go for walks. This leads to more inactivity. Going for a 10-minute brisk walk after each of your meals can help in aiding weight loss.

You’re not drinking enough water

Water helps in flushing out toxins, curbing hunger pangs, and promoting metabolism. Many people misjudge thirst for hunger and end up eating extra calories. It is always a good idea to keep a bottle handy.

If you don’t like the taste of water then opt for foods rich in water or drinks that offer hydration without the sugar. Buttermilk, herbal teas, and natural juices are great choices. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as it further leads to dehydration. Ayurvedic juices can also help in achieving weight loss.

Walking and Weight Loss: Does walking really help?

Walking is an excellent exercise for mental and physical health. A brisk walk every day helps in improving your cardiovascular health, strengthening bones, boosting muscle power, building endurance, and enhancing your mood.  

Walking is also an excellent stress buster and offers your body protective coverage against diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. It improves sleep and helps fight depression. So, even if you are not witnessing a change in your weight, walking will definitely bring you a bundle of health benefits.

Walking and Weight Loss: How to make your walking program more effective?

Walking is a complete exercise. From engaging your breath to pumping your heart, it is the ultimate workout. So, if your walking program is not bringing you the desired weight loss results then maybe it’s time to tweak a few things.

Amp up your speed

Most of the time, your walking program fails to deliver the desired results because of saturation. So, keep challenging your body by increasing the pace of your walk. Studies have shown that people who walk vigorously even for 30 seconds report better results. 

You can design your walking program in a mix of three. Stroll for a minute or two, then walk at your moderate pace and then walk vigorously for the next 30 seconds. Repeating this pattern for 30 minutes will help you get better results. 

Push your limits

Another way of making your walking program more effective is by adding to its intensity. If you are walking in the plains then try climbing a hill. Walking in the inclined position works great for the thighs and butt area. 

You can also add weight to your back and intensify your walking program. Carry a backpack or add weight belts to burn more calories. Avoid maintaining a constant pace and intensity as the body gets comfortable with it. Also, remember to maintain the correct walking posture.

Correct Your Diet

If you have tried different workout regimes and still not seeing results then maybe you should check your diet. Eating the right kind of food that provides essential nutrients without adding calories is necessary.

The first thing is to shop smartly in the grocery store. Secondly, maintain a disciplined eating routine and eat mindfully. Adding more fibre-rich foods can also help in keeping you satiated and achieve weight loss.

Your Takeaway!

Walking is an effective form of exercise that offers a range of health benefits, including weight loss. So, if your walking program isn’t working out for you then it’s not that walking is useless, it means that you need to amp up your game. Try power walking or carrying some weight while walking.

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