FoodHealth Tips

How the Foods You Eat Impact Your Dreams – The Shocking Truth

Experts say that your dreams can be affected by the foods you eat!

Well, it’s surprising but true. We all have wondered at some point in life, why we dream the dreams we dream, and finally, we have got the answer.

Our dreams are modulated by the foods we eat. Many studies have found that some foods can affect our dreams, especially those we eat closer to bedtime. So, if you are having nightmares or bad dreams then you must check out your dinner menu.

Also Read: Tagara for sleep wellness

Here are 9 foods that are known to affect your dreams

1. Milk

I often suggest you drink a glass of haldi doodh before bed. But how does drinking milk affect your dreams? Well, studies say that drinking milk before bed can improve your sleep patterns. Scientists say that milk contains melatonin, which is a hormone that could improve your sleep patterns. 

In addition to that melatonin, milk contains a trace of tryptophan, an amino acid that synthesizes serotonin and improves sleep. Milk not only helps you sleep better but this compound can also help you have good dreams. Studies suggest that drinking a glass of milk before bed prevents awakenings in the middle of the night.

2. Cheese 

Studies found that eating cheese before bedtime could promote peaceful sleep and good dreams. Scientists say that cheese contains a compound called tryptophan which aids in the production of serotonin. This can enhance your sleep and makes your dream more vivid.

One study examined 200 people who ate cheese every night before bed. The study found that people who ate cheddar cheese dreamed about celebrities and those who ate Red Leicester dreamed about school days. 

3. Chocolate 

Studies found that your favorite chocolate can give you nightmares. Experts explained that chocolate contains a compound called tyramine that can make your dreams frequent and vivid. Tyramine boosts the production of adrenaline in your body which can disrupt your sleep and give you nightmares. 

Studies found that eating sugary substances before bed can aggravate rapid eye movement in people having sleep problems. This can make nightmares more frequent and severe. A study revealed that people who ate sugar, sweets, candy, and chocolate were more prone to nightmares.

4. Coffee

We all know that coffee is a brain stimulant. Drinking coffee is associated with increased alertness and better performance of the brain. But did you know that coffee can affect your dreams too? This is because drinking coffee late in the day is proven to hinder your sleep cycle.

I often recommend my patients avoid drinking coffee late in the evening or late at night. This is because coffee heightens your brain activity even while you sleep. Because of this, you are likely to experience less deep sleep. In this state, your brain fails to function logically and it creates bizarre and frightening dreams.

5. Fatty Foods 

Fatty foods are not only unhealthy for your gut but also for your brain. That’s right. People who eat foods high in fats on a regular basis, and especially before bed, are more likely to experience nightmares.

This is because fatty foods are hard to digest and this can lead to indigestion. This can cause trouble sleeping and even if you fall asleep can lead to vivid dreams and nightmares. If you want to eat these foods then eat them during the day and follow that with a long walk.

6. Vitamin B6

Emerging research found that taking vitamin B6 could help you dream better. A study observed 100 participants who took high-dose of vitamin B6 immediately before bed. The participants reported an improved ability to recall their dreams.

The study further concluded that vitamin B6 did not affect the vividness of the dreams. Nor did it affect other aspects of sleep patterns. Several other studies also reported that people who took vitamin B6 regularly had lucid dreams. Foods such as banana, avocado, oranges, spinach, potato, carrot, milk, cheese, eggs, liver, and fish are rich in vitamin B6.

7. Seeds and Nuts

Eating a handful of nuts before bed can improve your dreams. This is supported by the fact that nuts contain a compound called tryptophan, which is a key component in making serotonin. 

Further studies reveal that nuts and seeds like almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium which is a natural muscle relaxer. Sunflower seeds are also rich in vitamin B6. This improves your sleep quality, enhances restfulness, and inhibits bad dreams that disrupt your sleep.

8. Bananas

You probably know bananas as a rich source of energy. But do you know that they contain tryptophan, magnesium, and potassium too? This promotes relaxation of your body and the production of serotonin in your brain. Some studies claim that eating a banana in the day can help you have better sleep and good dreams.

9. Cherries

Cherries too are a rich source of melatonin. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that’s naturally produced in our brains. This hormone helps in maintaining a steady circadian rhythm. It also boosts the serotonin levels in your brain that promotes relaxation and quality sleep.

Studies have proved that serotonin helps in maintaining your REM sleep. This leads to intense and vivid dreams that you are more likely to remember.

Apart from these 9 foods for dreams, here are a few others that you must know:

Apple cider vinegar – Some say drinking apple cider vinegar can promote vivid and realistic dreams.

Herbs like valerian root or chamomile can induce sleep and bring vivid dreams.

Honey contains glucose that relaxes your brain and promotes your sleep.

Also Read: Ashwagandha and Dreams

Your takeaway!

Several studies have highlighted that eating right before bed increases your metabolism and brain activity that leads to dreams and nightmares. It is proven that what and when we eat in the day affects our dreams. However, more research is needed to establish this link between foods and dreams. 

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